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  • Perfect! And I'm actually not that far behind, I can catch up quickly and give you some thoughts on some of the more interesting plot points.
    Are you reading these online? If you can give me a specific site or something, it would make it easier. Shouldn't take me too long to catch up.
    ComfortEagle, Siblings problems suck the worst, so good luck with them.

    When your 18 and in high school, you don't have a lot of options. I've never worked at a Wal-Mart though.
    ComfortEagle, I've seen some other people say they're nervous. I don't see it that way at all. The problem here is nobody on that team wants it except for Westbrook. He literally gave his whole life in that game and nobody else really showed up and played IMO. Durant had a respectable night but he was not aggressive and didn't show his leadership skills. He looked completely defeated and out of it most of the game and even pre-game. Harden doesn't even look like he wants to play anymore. That and missing like almost every shot of his has totally brought down his confidence anyway. Brooks clearly didn't want it when he took both Westbrook and Durant out at the same time as well. It's just a shame with the compounded Ref's calls.
    ComfortEagle, I would do it now, but I'm doing other stuff and I have to take a practice Regents later.

    Does tomorrow afternoon work?
    ComfortEagle, Kinda sounds like me too. I'm moving in just under two weeks, and so I'll need to find a job. Good luck with your relationship (I'm assuming it has something to do with your girlfriend).

    Let's both go work at Wal-Mart. Then we can be co-workers, in a way. :p
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