Recent content by Pudding Love

  1. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Rival ideas anyone?

    Okay, here's what I'm hoping for: -Female Rival -A nice rival. Someone who kind of idolizes you in a way and continues to want to get stronger to face you and eventually be as good as you. (: Just my hopes. Probably won't happen though. *sighh* But, I do predict that their going to do...
  2. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Hatred Evolutions in the Fifth Generation?

    I would actually be interested in this idea. Maybe for the baby pokemon that must evolve through happiness, they could evolve through hatred and bring a whole new line to their family. That is, only if Pokemon really gets so desperate for ideas they have to create whole new evolutionary lines...
  3. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Just me wanted a black professor ?

    Agreed on the customization for characters. I've always kind of wanted that but it's super unlikely it's going to happen this gen. at least. I do agree with wanting to see more black NPCs. Suree, it's Japanese made and there aren't a lot of black people in Japan but it would still be nice. And...
  4. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Gym Leaders Visiting from other regions

    I'd like to see some Johto or Kanto Gym leaders appear if any Gym Leaders appear. Maybe Whitney at the Theme Park looking thing? Or Bugsy popping up since there is probably a Bug Gym in this region. :D
  5. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Evolution Ideas For The Fifth Generation

    Well, all the one's with at least 2 stages and even the ones with a stage 1 are fine for now I think. They really need to focus just on the one's that have no baby nor evo. I prefer a new evo to a baby though. Or, even better, both. (: For example.. -Milktank (I'd actually be okay for a...
  6. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Gym Ideas?

    Hahaha sorry sorry! I totally blanked out for all of Sinnoh. Plus I forgot about Koga. Ahhh my post is full of wrongness. (: But, I still want to see those gyms again.
  7. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Gym Ideas?

    I'd like to see a steel gym again. *cough*eventhoughsteelgymsareeasy*cough* Everyone's going on about how there has been no Dark gyms but there's never been a Poison gym either has there? I'd appreciate both of those types to spice it up. Then throw in a Psychic gym, a Bug, and a Normal and...
  8. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 The starter for you!

    Actually, I'm hoping Tsutaaja will become a super awesome snake in it's final evo and even though it has legs now it's totally possible. There's a myth that some snakes evolved from lizards because apparently in prehistoric times some lizards feet feel off and they became snakes! It's possible...
  9. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 The starter for you!

    I'm kind of growing attached to all of them best I'm think about water otter. (: I know he looks kind of lame now but I'm guessing (and praying) he'll end up having the most awesome final evolution ever! :D
  10. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Pokemon types you'd like to see?

    I'm definitely looking for Fire type. I was really disappointed with the lack of new Fire types for Gen.4 ): I want an awesome fire type that I can love even more then my Growlithe. (: Here's to hoping of course. No more water, maybe 2 or 3 new water evolutions but that's it. We've got enough...
  11. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 14 years?! Really!

    Yupp! I was born the same year at Pokemon and I grew up with it. (: I've played from Blue and Yellow, to Gold and Crystal, Sapphire and Emerald and FireRed, Pearl and Platinum and now finally Heartgold. (: 2 games per generation + each remake. Ahhh yup, and I'm still loving it. I was planning on...
  12. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

    I don't know, I kind of just want to get Reshiram because almost everyone is going for Zekrom but Zekrom is so amazing. :D It's difficult. So I don't really mind which I get, I'll probably choose which version depending on what the certain version exclusives are.
  13. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 Eeveelutions

    I'm really hoping for a flying type. (: I hate having to use the regions obvious flying because I know basically everyone is so if there was a flying eevee I could just used that. Plus it would become my new favorite pokemon. My only question is: How would you evolve eevee into the other types...
  14. Pudding Love

    BW/BW2 The 7 New Pokemon Evolution Ideas

    Oh man I hope Munna isn't a pre-Drowzee evolution. This is the first psychic type I've liked off the back and I definitely don't like the Drowzee family. :/ Hihidaruma--> Not evolving Munna--> I'm hoping for two evo's. It will probably only have one and be kind of like Phanpy. Meguroko--> 1...