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  • RaichuGirl, that...is a very good question! I'll have to think about it for a bit...
    You may find it very surprising when I say this, but I think it may be something along the lines of Darkrai/Terrakion, like last year - or at least some variant of Darkrai. It'll need to be able to stop PlasmaBox, so that's where I think Terrakion might come in - plus, it does very well in the mirror.

    However, Klinklang does show great promise as well - both of them (Gear Shift and Plasma) combined together makes a very strong core that is nigh impenetrable. I would not be surprised if it's one or both of those.

    That's just my take. What do you think?
    RaichuGirl, awwww :(
    Well, at least you got all the way to top 8! That's really impressive! I'm proud of you, I really am. Gear Shift Klinklang is like the dark horse of the format; one lady who's been running it for months now actually won Masters at BRs with it (and without PlasmaKlang).

    Don't let it get you down. You did awesomely, you had a great time, and you played well.
    2nd seed? Whoa, that's awesome! Congrats! How many people were in Swiss?
    And top cut is probably over right now so...how was it??
    RaichuGirl, as a player or as a judge? :p

    Tell me how Nationals was! I can't wait to hear about it!
    RaichuGirl, that was fast! Good luck! Do well! Have fun! Bring back souvenirs! And always be yourself! I'm rooting for you!

    For myself I have Battle Roads tomorrow which I think I'm judging at. If not that, then I'm playing. Either way I will have a fun time.
    Oh, ah, yeah, here is a piece of advice:

    Begin working on the post-game update during the game, not after it ends. XD
    RaichuGirl, yay, something that makes sense! Ending the year with summer actually does sound like a really pleasant note.
    RaichuGirl, *hugs*

    I'm curious, do you guys in Australia have winter break (as opposed to summer break) when you're out of school? i.e. do you have the time off starting in June or in December?
    RaichuGirl, ...I see... I certainly hope you did well! Do you need a hug?

    And should I distract you with some other subject of conversation?
    RaichuGirl, if you keep that attitude up, you probably will.

    Try to stay positive. Believe it or not, mood actually does influence performance. Think of what you do know, and read up on what you don't. But above all, try and keep a smile on your face, or at least in your head.

    I know, I've been there. If you feel negatively about an upcoming test, you're already in a bad frame of mind to be taking it. Just prepare yourself as much as you feel you need, and go in optimistic.
    I wasn't sure about what he meant, either. He was probably mistaking my game for PMJ's, but I don't know. Dark Void didn't do anything wrong in my game, in fact he (along with, rather ironically, HC) was the MVP of the wolves, in my opinion.
    RaichuGirl, I see. I know my friend runs Keldeo (2 of them) for using Rush In, as well as having a late-game attacker, so I guess it's a possible. I think he runs 4 Blend WLFM as well. But that's a personal preference. Although I can see why, since you need a lot of switch and mobility for the deck at times.
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