Reggie McGigas
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  • Reggie McGigas, yeah I don't do requests due to time, or random lack of time lol - I just don't know when I get time to do stuff really, mostly ends up on a whim :)

    And its 100% unlikely I'll make a new thread on here tbh, totally done with PokeBeach in that regard, I just hang around the forums now and again :D
    Hey, Reggie, glad you are going to enter!! :D And yes, IA just told me that it'll be up by tomorrow. I'll still be judging and won't be able to help you directly, but do keep in mind the suggestions I told you last time, ok? Good luck!
    I wasn't the one who did it, so I would guess it was omahanime. I try not to speculate on others' actions, so you're probably best off contacting him for more information. Good luck! :)
    I didn't think you were being banned forever! :(
    Ah well, it's been fun chatting with you. Have fun in the future. :)
    I made a thread with an idea. If people don't like it we'll have to come up with something else. Or we'll go back to the"likes" game. :p What do you think about the concept I posted?
    I don't see why you couldn't. :) There's no strict rule about what updates have to contain, and I think people are as interested in reading about the characters as they are about your progress.
    Drohn, I would rather have the game restarted with those players DQ'd than the entire game banned. This just isn't fair to the people who didn't cheat.

    I am sorry and I hope this does not offend you but I believe that that was all the wrong choice.
    Removing the players that caused it would leave only a few players. I do feel sorry for them, but if a game is being taken over by arguments and cheating there is really no point to keep it around.

    I'm not offended, don't worry.

    I apologize for any inconvenience, but deleting the thread because no one wanted to moderate it seems like an odd decision.
    As I said: closing the thread IS moderating it. At this point, the thread did more bad than good, which is why removing it was the best decision.
    I don't know what happened to get it closed, the last thing I seen was you saying something along the lines of "Why hurt Regirock?" to Flecth. I haven't paid much attention to it this morning because I'm busy with other things.

    I'm not throwing anyone under the bus, I told WW what I saw last and he responded. That's all, the deletion was a long time coming. We all contributed to it over the course of the game, there is no on single person to blame for it.
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