King Xerneas Feb 23, 2014 You don't know me at all don't you. Do you really think I'd reveal my pick in public! I'm more sneaky than that. I'm also filled with decoys
You don't know me at all don't you. Do you really think I'd reveal my pick in public! I'm more sneaky than that. I'm also filled with decoys
King Xerneas Feb 23, 2014 You drive a hard bargain, but Regirock would make a nice kill to my collection (Pidgeot, Bellosom)...I'll think about it.
You drive a hard bargain, but Regirock would make a nice kill to my collection (Pidgeot, Bellosom)...I'll think about it.
MtheW Feb 22, 2014 Thanks man, I appreciate it! And sure, I can throw a couple heals its way, but I don't particularly like it so I'm not going to stick with it.
Thanks man, I appreciate it! And sure, I can throw a couple heals its way, but I don't particularly like it so I'm not going to stick with it.
Freedomeon Feb 22, 2014 Well "deals" and "teams" aren't allowed but I certainly repay people for their kindness in heals
Keeper of Night Feb 22, 2014 Fine. Whatever place Bellossom gets, that's where I'll help Regirock get.
Keeper of Night Feb 22, 2014 Sure, I'll make a deal. Whatever place you get Bellossom to, I'll let Cobalion reach the same place.
WanderingWolf Feb 21, 2014 (Tried to make a cool Genesect Gif) Instead, made something that requires a seizure warning.
Keeper of Night Feb 21, 2014 "Not because of my laziness" Half your pokémon aren't even holding items.