Reggie McGigas
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  • Reggie McGigas, exactly why I said that Free didn't exactly help save the thread either, when he pointed a finger at you.
    I don't get tired from doing my job. Ending arguments and unfair play is part of my job.
    Also. Leaving this here:
    Inb4 makes a new H/H thread to finish the last few rounds. Of course, we could always make a QT or something to finished the rounds :/
    Too many people were arguing and cheating (by making agreements/teams, which is unfair to people who are trying to play fair without joining up with other players).
    Reggie McGigas, isn't 'Don't hurt this Pokemon!' Kind of the same thing as 'Heal this Pokemon!'. Plus, didn't you also say you would repay the favour. If you did, I believe that's teaming.
    So I'm not allowed to look at threads now? :p Not offended, just find it funny. I tend to look through threads that have been recently posted in, like I assume most people here do, whether they're moderators or not.
    Like I just told WanderingWolf, I've never had anything to do with H/H, so I'm not sure why you're asking me about it.
    So it seems like Hurt/Heal got removed by our super mods for currently unknown reasons. I apologize to everyone who played. This is heartbreaking because I was going to give out free shiny pokemon to whoever participated in the finals. (Yes they were duped but legit, my friend is an ungodly shiny hunter plus I have some of my own in there)
    Reggie McGigas, I. Don't. Like. Any. Fighting. Types. If. Staraptor. Was. A. Fighting. Type. I. Would. I. Have. Felt. Pain. Almost. Every. Round. And. I. May. As. Well. See. If. There. Are. But. Probably. Not. It's. Your. Fault. For. Having. An. Oma. Killing. Team. Brb. Crying. ;w;.
    Fletch is sleeping so Omastar requires a little more support than Regirock right now sorry man.
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