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  • Reshiwott, I don't use hacks for battle for any reason. I expect my opponents to do the same.
    As for rules I can do the following:

    ~3v3 Lv50 Singles (with Team Preview); Standard OU (Smogon's tier system)
    ~6v6 Lv100 Singles; Standard OU
    ~VGC Rules
    Wait, you're in the UK? I see.

    I'm actually back right now, so what combat rules do you go by?
    Yeah, off to do homework and then get my Legendary Hunting Gallade. xD

    Let me know if you need anymore Pokemon. I'll try to get the correct natures for you too.
    Looks like the server is busy at the moment. If we don't connect soon, I'm just going to leave. I've got to finish my Gallade.
    I mean, I don't have a team to battle with on this Black, but I'll toss up some pretty ones. :p
    Reshiwott, I'm still at school...the best time to reach me is in the evening. I can do it later hopefully.
    You don't know that. You haven't seen my good team. :p

    And I doubt you'd have anything I want for him. What Events/Legendaries do you have?
    Such a bad person. Just sweep them already. Two were 100, one was 70 and the others are 50- xD
    These are Pokemon I just traded for. I'm just now seeing what their moves are. xD
    I don't have a team built at all, but if you want to hammer at some of my defaults I suppose. Lol.
    Sorry about that, had a hard time finding the right ones. I had several in my Box. xD

    Hey, I'm online. Do you have a HG Kyogre? Don't care about it's EVs or anything.
    Reshiwott, actually I'm looking for Pansear in Dreamyard as well. I apparently traded mine away and completely forgot about it!

    As for when? I can't do it now as I need to leave for class soon; perhaps later today?
    Reshiwott, a Panpour that was met in Dreamyard, actually. I'd swap my own Panpour for it.
    Reshiwott, 1) You can either look at the Pokemon data and look at it yourself; this will be able to detect most simple hacks, like location caught or moves it couldn't learn. A full hack check uses a special software that Nintendo fashioned, and which is used at VG tournaments.

    2) Sure. When do you want me to do this?
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