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  • Reshiwott, sorry Reshiwott, I can breed myself a Charmander, if it had the abilty Solar Power (DW) I would take up your offer, with Klink.
    Reshiwott, Sorry, I was at school. I can do it this evening if that works for you.
    We'll trade next time. Give me a nature that you want and I'll try to get that.
    I have no interests in hacked Pokemon anyways.

    So what DO you have that's good besides the charmander? Do you have DW Illumise?

    Knowing me, I'd probably trade them regardless..

    Any UT Legendaries? For the both of them if you have a good one.

    Any DW Starters, Eevee, Vulpix would be awesome. Females of course. Have any?

    Oh, or a DW politoad.

    Would you happen to have any foreign dittos? Normal shinies work as well.
    Hey, I have a female Gible so far, I'm just about to get your Bagon.

    So what are you offering for these guys anyways?
    Reshiwott, I have every Pokemon known available, except the last three. Though I am only looking for female dream world Pokemon.
    Reshiwott, No problem, but I probably won't have them until Tuesday/Wednesday. I've got a lot of homework to complete today.
    Reshiwott, The most HILARIOUS THING just happened. I went into The Challenger's Cave, and I found ANOTHER Riolu. :p I caught it, so you can have your old one back, if you want it. =)
    Actually, I can acquire a Bagon and Gible if you'd like one. I have Soul Silver and Platinum and I can just trade it over to my Black. You'd just need to give me a couple of hours as I'm doing other requests.
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