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  • Reshiwott, just DNA or Deus is fine.

    And "help you in your VGs"? What exactly do you need help with?
    Reshiwott, First you need a Scizor. Then you "Put Scizor on the Basic Pokemon." Or did you mean on the actual game? I think you trade it with a Metal Coat.
    Reshiwott, *smiles*. Do you want it leveled up? If so consider it UT Lv30 :D
    Reshiwott, reset if you want the Klink! The world won't give you any good Palkia!
    Reshiwott, well nothing is tempting me and the Chansey doen't have Seismic Toss. The Klink is still mine. Unless, you have any untouched Hasty/Timid Palkia? (I can't be stuffed reseting Platinum).
    Reshiwott, Chansey gets that move from FRLG from a Tutor, and I guess not, so...the Klink is still mine.
    Hey, sorry that I haven't contacted you. I have a bunch of Bagon and Gibles, but I'm workin on getting the right nature and then I got distracted. Currently trying to make a gallade with false swipe, mean look, hypnosis and taunt. I'll try to get yours to you asap.
    Reshiwott, is this Chansey untouched, Bold and has Seismic Toss? If it does yes please! Also, I assume none of the listed are Shiny. And I have Male DW Skorupi.
    Reshiwott, really Reshiwott? We're not a clan, we are a Mudkip family :)D
    Reshiwott, I can get anything on your list, do you have any event Pokemon?
    I like your Icon! Its some cool pixel art! Did you make it or find it somewhere?
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