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  • safariblade, Yeah, I saw. I looked at his system, and although its basic, there's no competitive focus on it. I think we'll end up sticking with your system. Which means...

    Its comeback time!
    hipoke has been asking me if you saw his rant (which is what he posted below). So I guess he took actions into his own hands and did it himself.

    You're system is working wonderfully (other than me dropping 11 ranks in one battle -_-).

    And wow, 99 pages of comments.
    *Bippa tries make it 100.
    [8/21/2011 11:27:31 PM] hipoke: [Friday, August 19, 2011 10:33 AM] hipoke:

    <<< I already fought against this
    [Friday, August 19, 2011 10:33 AM] hipoke:

    <<< would get 10 points, plus my rank
    this plan highly favors the top tiered people
    because lets say bippa beats me
    he gets a whole 26 points
    which is a lot
    he shouldn't be getting that many points for beating someone who he's favored to win
    if two lower tiered players faced off
    they'd only get like maybe 8 points
    if they won
    where as if two top tiered players faced off
    they'd e getting around 30-45 points
    which is unfair, and gives the higher players a easy way to the top
    it's like saying the higher you go on the ranking system the more points you get from each match
    and that's not how it should work
    i think the ranking system should be somehow based on the difference
    like if me and bippa faced off the difference would e 140
    if I win i'd get a percentage of that
    I'm still not sure how it'd work for the higher ranked player though
    my original idea was
    if you win: +100 points and a bonus of 25% of the difference between your ranking and theirs. If you have a higher ranking you don't get the bonus. if you lose: -100

    I just wanted to show you my rant :>

    And I'm the....uh...uh....uh....

    (insert something I'm good at, my mind is at a blank :p) Guru


    To make myself look less of a fail right now, I'm going to say yes, sarcasm intended

    Lol I fail, didn't mean to put a "not" there :p

    None at all :p

    Yeah, I'm litterally addicted to all of those songs you mentioned.
    Personal Favorites of AvA:

    Rite of Spring
    Call to Arms

    All really great songs. Thanks for showing me the band
    I tell myself another harmless lie
    Yet it brings a tear to my eye
    All I want to do is curl up and cry
    And watch the day die

    How do you think it must feel?
    To feel the cold bristle of steel
    As it peels my skin
    All I can do is deal
    With a pain that is so real

    Your line provoked poetry


    See, now if I had graphic art skills, I'd totally make a chickorita wearing that hat, but I cant :p

    Instead, here's something else I found funny

    Lol, I have no idea XP

    I could totally see a Chikorita wearing your umbrella hat though, lol :p
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