Afro-G Aug 28, 2011 safariblade, Nothing, glad to see you're still up. =] Not sure if it's a great thing that I am up though. >.<
safariblade, Nothing, glad to see you're still up. =] Not sure if it's a great thing that I am up though. >.<
Guts Aug 27, 2011 Oh, wait. The banner is a bit too big to put in my signature; do you think you could resize it? I'd appreciate it. :3
Oh, wait. The banner is a bit too big to put in my signature; do you think you could resize it? I'd appreciate it. :3
Guts Aug 27, 2011 I saw a new profile comment and was like 'YES THE BANNER IS DONE" Looks great man, thanks soooo much.
I saw a new profile comment and was like 'YES THE BANNER IS DONE" Looks great man, thanks soooo much.
Professor Palutena Aug 27, 2011 safariblade, Now we gotta make sure it wins. Unless something I like makes it in. In that case, you're on your own. /me predicts safari edits to rig the game so that he wins.
safariblade, Now we gotta make sure it wins. Unless something I like makes it in. In that case, you're on your own. /me predicts safari edits to rig the game so that he wins.
Professor Palutena Aug 27, 2011 safariblade, Yeah. It was. We had a lot of support too. Nice avatar choice too.
Professor Palutena Aug 27, 2011 safariblade, I remember those. Take a look at this card. Notice the lack of a type symbol. It can have something that only affects Pokemon with your name in it.
safariblade, I remember those. Take a look at this card. Notice the lack of a type symbol. It can have something that only affects Pokemon with your name in it.