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  • Salamencetrainer34, I know the sources tend to remain anonymous.
    ...and I think the scans already get put up on beforehand and PB just replicates them.
    Salamencetrainer34, how can you have a Genesect FA if the set isn't even out yet

    As for me, probably Regigigas LV.X or something along those lines.
    Salamencetrainer34, oh, you changed the subject and I didn't even notice.
    Answer: Yes - I've pulled 3: Terrakion, Random Receiver, and Charizard.
    Salamencetrainer34, you mean in Pinball?
    I don't think they have shinies in that game.
    Salamencetrainer34, It's a hilarious game that someone made up. You either takes cards from several packs or just random cards and play a sort of game with it.

    It'd be hard to explain fully here, but basically you deal out the cards evenly among everyone, assign rules to how each card works, and then use each Pokemon's attacks (you don't need the energy). When something is knocked out, you take the next card from your pile and flip it face up to begin attacking. It's hilariously fun but some of the cards are really overpowered based on the rules we give them (like Magnezone can attack twice because of its ability, letting it do 160 damage in one turn).
    You're subbed in for Pride in the reverse tournament. PM me a team asap.
    Salamencetrainer34, I went 4-2. I suppose that's might be considered "good" but I was hoping for better. Don't know if I've ever heard the name.
    Salamencetrainer34, Not with that attitude. : P I don't know if I exactly have like a favorite deck this format. This past weekend I played Darkrai at a BR, but that's mostly due to it being the cheapest and most easy to obtain option. I still have to borrow cards to play any good decks because currently I'm in need of more cards.
    Salamencetrainer34, I'm not exactly a legend, I just have a few decent accomplishments :p

    On the topic of leagues, I've only been to one or two, but they generally are just places to go to play games and have fun. I'm not entirely sure how the gym system works, although if I remember correctly you get a badge for that gym if you play enough games at your league. You should check with someone like King Arceus though as I don't go to league very often.
    Salamencetrainer34, yes. I'm of the opinion that life is a game and everyone misplays at it.
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