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  • Might have been a glitch or something? As far as I know, I just went from member to mod and nothing else.
    Salamencetrainer34, fun fact

    I got stuck on the JudgeMan scenario because I was looking for a tree in the center of Green Town.

    I went to the center of Green Area, and found the tree there.
    ...It took me about 30 minutes of game overs to realize I was doing it wrong.
    Salamencetrainer34, increase in rank. You have to get a certain amount of points to take the 2-star requests.

    Beating them all unlocks a special boss.
    Salamencetrainer34, I'm not sure where you heard that. I've found at least 10 Gold Mystery Data, and they usually contain SP Navi chips, really rare standard chips, or 10000Z.
    I have never acquired a Django, DoubleBeast, or the like from it.
    Salamencetrainer34, yep. A couple times. Rare, but not impossible. Happens about...5% of all jack-ins or so?
    Salamencetrainer34, I got tired of it reeeeeeeeeal fast.
    BN6 is also the only game that KEEPS that music playing even after the final boss is cleared, which is very annoying. (No other BN or SF game does that; it stops playing in the overworld when the boss is cleared.)
    It's a simulator tournament. Reread the signup thread for my response.
    Salamencetrainer34, I think the name should be different, like Magical or something. But sure, let's give it a whirl.
    Salamencetrainer34, Starforce 1 is garbage
    Starforce 2 is pretty good and Starforce 3 is spectacular

    Just be aware, in SF2, most online players have very very very similar folders
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