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  • Salamencetrainer34, Oh I'm sure you did, kind of hard to miss me at a small venue. : P Just depends on when it happens I guess. I'd need a day and date before I make any plans.
    Salamencetrainer34, I don't know, haha. I think I only drafted that day, did you? If you're wondering if we've seen/faced each other, just think if you've seen a guy with an Afro. Pretty sure it's just that simple, lol.
    Salamencetrainer34, Indeed. Actually, now that I think about it my very first official event was at a prerelease there. Majestic Dawn, I think that was like 4-5 years ago. Boy does time fly...

    Getting a little sidetracked in my mind, lol. But yes, I've actually been there for multiple prereleases since then.
    Salamencetrainer34, Oh I see, that's no fun at all. Better to be safe than sorry I suppose though.

    It really just depends. Batter Up usually holds tournaments on Saturday and I have church in the morning. Rarely will I skip church to go to a prerelease, when I can just choose to go to a different location on a more convenient day like Sunday.
    Salamencetrainer34, I live about 30 minutes away. Not sure if I'll be attending or not but I'll consider it.
    Salamencetrainer34, I don't even know when that is to be honest. My plans for Nationals have recently been canceled so I'm just trying to figure out how much attention I want to be giving Pokemon right now.
    I can trade you my 4 DCEs for your JUST Plasma Kyurem Reverse and Super Cyclone Scoop-up (jpn)

    Couldn't resist offering you a better deal than what you posted on MrGatr's thread.
    Salamencetrainer34, On the boxes ? The Volume/Series boxes have an official Nintendo seal. The B/W sets have no seal around the box, only average tape at the top. Though as long as you buy from Godomall or Playfirststore then the boxes are real and unweighed.
    Salamencetrainer34, Yeah, I do. I have loads of opened boxes yes, I haven't said I have any sealed. Though I have an order of some on the way. Why ?
    Salamencetrainer34, Indeed I have. Considering the irony regarding how most bronies treat it (we trash it when we haven't watched it, everyone trashes us because they haven't watched MLP), I'll give it a chance.
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