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  • Salamencetrainer34, gotta love the homages to X4. And BN6 was a fantastic ending.

    So was Starforce 3, if you ever decide to play that.
    Salamencetrainer34, Falzar is tougher. A lack of a floor on his side makes certain chips (e.g. Air Hockey) of no use, and he's got several Wind attacks making your barriers effectively useless. He also has a Fire attack which can be incredibly cumbersome. He has much less HP (2000), however, but is more difficult to defeat.
    Salamencetrainer34, either the thunder or the fire attack, yes. Thunder hits the row and column directly in front of his face; Fire hits 7 squares in a breath pattern, excluding only the top and bottom right squares.

    One thing you should know is that Gregar, unlike any other enemy in the game, has TWO hitboxes: his head, plus the panel directly behind it. Thus if you use a chip like Bass, and it would hit both squares, you deal twice the damage. Chips like KillerMan and I think ChargeMan are like that too.

    This makes his 2500 HP significantly less daunting.
    Salamencetrainer34, Reflector 3 makes the fight SO much easier. You don't need them, but it is HIGHLY recommended.
    Salamencetrainer34, once you jack in to the Pavilion Comp 4, open this spoiler tag.

    it's funny how the last stage is also the first one
    Yeah, but it's been a while, and I suppose you just made a reference that I don't remember. ;p
    Salamencetrainer34, thanks! But new to the Forums, I've been playing VG for 4 years and TCG for 1 year now... XD
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