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  • Salamencetrainer34, ...that's ironic. I hate both of those. Both of them aren't really considered "good" tracks, either.

    The best tracks come from BN3, 4, and 5, though not as many from 3.
    Salamencetrainer34, used for Team Support system - like you can change out Navis with MegaMan sometimes. But it doesn't have much use.
    Most of the time you just use it with a BN1-5 game in the GBA slot, and stuff happens.
    Salamencetrainer34, yes. that was the version I played. Never played the GBA versions.
    Salamencetrainer34, BN6 is pretty easy. Ironically, it was my first BN. Then I went backwards.
    Salamencetrainer34, well, BN4 did have some good stuff, like the introduction of Souls, and Dark Chips - which were actually really interesting.

    But if you want me to name one that's the worst? BN4, but since I can't name that...BN1.
    Salamencetrainer34, that is correct.

    I think the best choices are N1 Folder C and...I think it's Expert Folder. It's the one that has the Meteor wand chips in it. N1-Folder-C uses Snake, which is totally awesome.
    Salamencetrainer34, Omega bosses are triggered by getting 5 out of 7 stars on the title screen. After that, you input a certain code on the title screen, the stars will compress closer together, and then the Omega bosses will appear in set locations throughout Cyberworld (one fight only for each).

    Highlight Continue, hold Left, press R, R, L, R, L, R, L, L (after getting first 5 stars)

    Defeating them nets you that Navi's V5 Gigachip (except for Serenade and Bass, who do not give out V5s).

    Alpha is only upgraded to Omega form when you get all 7 Stars.

    7 Stars

    There are 7 stars you can get, which will appear next to the main title screen once you satisfy the objectives.
    Unlockable How to Unlock
    Blue Star (4th Star) Complete your Standard Chip Library (200 Chips)
    Green Star (2nd Star) Defeat Bass GS in Secret Area 3, after defeating Dark Man, Japan Man and Serenade
    Light Blue Star (3rd Star) Beat all of Serenade's "Time Trial" times in Secret Area 1, 2 and 3.
    Orange Star (7th Star) Complete your P. A. [Program Advance] Library (32 Combos)
    Purple Star (5th Star) Complete your Mega Chip Library (85 Chips)
    Red Star (6th Star) Defeat ALL 15 Omega Navis. (Must use code to unlock Omega Navis)
    Yellow Star (1st Star) Defeat the Original Alpha.

    NOTE: To get the purple star, you have to trade with the other version of BN3 you don't have. Getting all the Giga Chips is also not an achievement like it is in future games, but you'll probably have them all by this time anyway.
    Salamencetrainer34, oh, lol, right.

    He is a lot like pre-Alpha bass, speed-wise and attack wise. He just gets one, maybe two new tricks (the claw and the breath), but otherwise he's about the same...oh, and his Aura is 200, so there's that.

    A bit tricky, but nothing really out there. It does require you to structure a folder to beat him, though. The 200 Aura will do that. You'll need to hit him before he uses an attack that regenerates it.

    Bass Omega is a lot harder because his one attack that DOESN'T regenerate his aura, the single buster shot, is removed. (Thus, he gains the aura back after every attack.)
    Salamencetrainer34, that's Bass Omega...and I can't take the credit for that; I got it from that guy.

    Although, I DID use that strategy on Serenade Omega too, and it worked very well.
    Ummm why would you quit. The PB staff can't ban a person for weighing packs.

    If you're so worried about weighed packs then buy boxes :/
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