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  • TheGuy, My break is turning out pretty good. We followed the gps to try and find a castle and it brought us through a whole bunch of dirt farm roads.... Until... The road ended. My family was like "Huh, this is weird" so we got out of the car and found a nice little picnic tale in the middle of the woods that over looked a forested valley and a large river that went around the castle. It was like a three mile hike and we almost fell down a few cliffs :p when we got to the castle we found that we came from the wrong direction and there had been a path!
    ^ and that was just Monday
    TheGuy, services died again
    chat is never good when services are dead

    also lolpital's rule
    it's almost like the cheater's way out
    TheGuy, In general, I'm doing alright. Could be better, could be a whole lot worse. And how about you, fine sir?
    TheGuy, yeah, the city is probably what it is. Maybe it's just all mutual.
    Glad I live in suburbia.
    TheGuy, I wouldn't care about your house enough to go look for it. It reminds me of the bad part of Santa Ana.

    Baseline in a nutshell, huh? Guess I'm not missing much.
    TheGuy, it's like they don't know how to drive and act like they do...poorly. I was paranoid of everything I did this weekend on the road because I feared someone cutting me off (which happened several times) or seeing a cop with his lights on (which I saw post-pullover several times).

    ...Driving around there was not enjoyable in the slightest.
    I'm just going to keep remembering Baseline Rd and how ridiculous it was.
    The people who drive cars in Phoenix are horrible horrible people.
    I hate them all.
    Ack, and I missed your fic? Sorry, man, I've been sort of focused on my own stuff this week that I overlooked your thread completely. I'll try and give you a critique over the weekend or Monday at the latest, okay?
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