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    Trazio Region

    Here is the pre-evo to my cloakoon, based on a leaf insect. Something about this looks odd to me, so if you know what it is, let me know
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    Trazio Region

    Yup, thanks. Geodude of my region, based on Stonehenge.
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    Username Changes?

    Is it possible for me to get a username change? I made this name back in my n00b days and I really don't like it, but I cba making a new account.
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    Trazio Region

    Here is the pokedex for my soon to be fan game, Pokemon Iron and Stone. Please note that not all of the sprites on this dex are sprited by me, but still offer suggestions so I can improve them. They are in Black and White style and will eventually be animated. 'k so here they are...
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    [Ruby Hack] Pokemon DarkGrey

    Intro: Greetings members of PokeBeach! I am Fireworks. I started this hack some time during late Spring last year (although it wasn't posted until Jun 26th), and looking back at it wasn't that good. It was extremely buggy, and the tile combinations were really bad. The maps were...
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    Pokemon Iron and Stone

    The one who has the best design.
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    Pokemon Iron and Stone

    Multi-quote doesn't work? Fail :\ @Hooker When I finish it I guess @Shiny Shinx, thanks, I'll fix that :) Here is an update, new cut tree: New Water (I don't like transparent water and had no tile space left, that's why I changed it, but the corners still need fixed): And Lunar Forest got...
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    Pokemon Iron and Stone

    Hack of: FireRed Game Code: ROFL Intro: This is my first hack brought back. Story:Pokemon: Iron and Stone Long ago, in a time before man. Two dragons there were. One of Iron, one of stone. When a meteor attacked earth. They were said to have destroyed it. And then disappeared, never to be...
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    Toatali's Fakemon

    When you save them just click the dropdown and change it to .png, it's not hard.
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    Ok, but shouldn't they also be rated on quality? Something can be original and creative but look terrible.
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    Ditto looks better. Not the best I've seen, but an improvement, and I think (assuming it's allowed) that you'd probably be better having it transforming into an official sprite.
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    Custom tiles

    I have recently started trying to make lot of tles, but, the thing is, I'm not too good at making tiles, so I'd like some tips on how to improve please. Public
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    So you're not going by quality over quantity? Because that is JPG'd, the outlines are really thick, the sprites have no shading, and looks more like an unfinished pixel art, and can I be a judge?
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    1/ you already had an entry and you just changed it. 2/ that's not a scratch, it's an edit.
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    It WAS a gold/silver/crystal styled sprite, that's the whole point, I wanted it to be different than the others, which were pretty obvious minus the really bad quality jpeg one.
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    The Ultimate Spriting Contest *Round One Judged: Come and see if you made it!

    I don't really see how I was knocked out when half of the others weren't even spliced correctly and one of them was an obvious jpeg but whatever, good luck to everyone else.
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    Pokemon Zircon and Jasper Online: Demo Available!!

    I never said that, but they are boring, overused, and plain. There are a lot of much better tiles on DeviantArt.
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    Pokemon Zircon and Jasper Online: Demo Available!!

    Yeah, those are kyledoves tiles. The same ones that everyone uses.