Pokemon Zircon and Jasper Online: Demo Available!!

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batpee1 said:
im back from vacation :O

Ooh! That's great! lol.


Sakura City [the name's so original :eek:]

I'm already working on the tin tower. I have the first and second floor complete. I'll make a video soon.
Looking great!

One thing I see is that your random wild encounter rate seems a tad too high. I'd recommend lowering it.:D
Porygon-X said:
Looking great!

One thing I see is that your random wild encounter rate seems a tad too high. I'd recommend lowering it.:D

It is 1 out of 25 D:
while in a cave it is 1 out of 50

Sometimes I rarely get encounters and other times they bash me!
With the time I have, I am afraid I will be the weakest link on the project and will have to say goodbye until I have more time. I am sorry.
Bump. Got my internet connection back!
Though I will only be able to work on it for less time seeing as school started.
Looks good, but those tiles are really overused and boring, might want to change them. Also, Starly looks a little too high up.
Overused?? Haha, I am one of the few who uses them, what are you talking about? Everyone else uses RSE/FRLG tiles.

and about starly, I haven't fixed the sprites yet, I simply imported them from a sprite sheet. I'll adjust them later.
Zierant said:
Everyone else uses RSE/FRLG tiles.

I've got to say, though. Everyone uses them for a good reason. There a bunch of them on the web, and it's MUCH easier to edit/scratch your own building/character.

But, I must say also: because everyone else uses them, that's a good reason not to...

**Looks at own Pokemon Game**

I guess I'm just like everyone else. LOL.
altariaking said:
No. You're not. I have seen those tiles everywhere.
Also the game is really slow, and Arceus as a starter?

The game is in it's beta stage. It is far beyond complete and that demo is simply for others to see how the game works in terms of gameplay.

and please link me to some pages where people use them.

There's a lot more, but I'm too lazy.
Those aren't the same ones I'm using. They use a different hue set and some of the tiles appear customized.
These however, were ripped from the 2d gameplay of DP by someone at the spriter's resources.

But enough with that. Back on topic.
Well whatever. There's only so many tiles I can use which is why I'm using these and the HGSS tiles. I don't want to scratch sprite a load of tiles, no thank you.
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