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  1. R

    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc. yah sure, i am finishing some cloning[hr] PMing u my FC :)
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    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc. i want one UT, male, without a name, i dont care about natures
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    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc. you want the data? ok name RIOLU OT S3xy id 39709 UT serious, male hatched at route 209 atk 6 def 5 sp atk 6 sp def 6 spd 6 hp 12 inner focus alert to sounds happily eats anything Moves: quick attack foresight endure hidden power
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    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc. in game name has always been: A) ash B)michael c)sean
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    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc. ok.. a lvl 1 shiny riolu? OT S3xy hatched egg recieved from day care. everything seems to be in order
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    i was sad at first, becuz i couldnt clone anmore, but i then learned to clone by GTS :)
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    no, when my AR died i decided to open it so..those are the three parts of my dead ar
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    i got a shiny regigigas and a shiny ponyta on gts.. both look legit... can you trade the male shiny larvitar? if the pokemon does not pass the hack check (if you hack check it) i am willing to give you back the pokemon :)[hr] as promised, here is my dead AR
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    Wi-Fi Trades The Distortion World:TFH and Rotoms Joint Trade Thread, Special Giveaway To Remember

    RE: *NEW* The Flaming Ho-ohs Trade Thread <wants a partner and taking members> :) did you finelly got that mewtwo cloned? i would LOVE to trade him
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    Wi-Fi Trades The Distortion World:TFH and Rotoms Joint Trade Thread, Special Giveaway To Remember

    RE: *NEW* The Flaming Ho-ohs Trade Thread <wants a partner and taking members> i got 2 shiny pokemon this week on gts (lucky me!) but not sure if legit :) Regigigas lvl 70 masterball (all looks normal) ot:sergio (hey thats my name! >:( ) Ponyta lvl 18 quick ball ot Pinku what do u offer? :D
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon! my next project is a shiny ***** groudon
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    but its shiny (ooohh.. shiny!) xD i am SR for my SS groudon but i can catch the groudon even if its not a shiny for u :)
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    Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

    RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc. whats charmander's name? i offer a shiny crobat (cloned)
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    is the pikachu colored pichu.. is the event from gamestop, not mine, i traded that little guy[hr] is the other shiny larvitar male? if yes do you want a lv 49 shiny crobat? i caught it myself at an emerald version
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    ok, i will waqit on the room :) go when you can
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    sorry, sorry...i am testing my house's wi fi..conection sucefull..but.we we couldn't trade earlier? that keeps bugging me[hr] i am at room right now, if an error appear perhaps we should try it tomorrow D:
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    sorry, i was at an exam..and the internet kicked me out...i will be on right now, i will advice you if i am going out becuz i haveta eat[hr] must eat...brb
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    DPPt/HGSS I'm looking for USA/United Kingdom/France and Japanese Event Pokemon!

    :(( ok...the thing is, thet i am always online at this time or 1 hour before, because i have school, so i hope you can trade tomorrow