Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

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RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

OK, got your CML, how do you clone yours? Also, what would you want on a glitch ditto? And what were you originally looking for in my thread?

Thanks, I want to do business.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Since you don't like AR cloning, I'd use the flash cart backup method of cloning. Basically, you trade it to my game, I save the game, connect teh save to my computer, backup the Mewtwo as a file, disconnect the save from my computer, then start up the game again. No AR used.

As for the glitch Ditto, Outrage, Splash, and Hyper Beam if possible. And I wanted the shiny Mewtwo from your thread.

Edit: oohhhh yeah, since you don't want me using an AR to clone, you can't choose any of the English Platinum shinies. Anything else is fair game though.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

OK, thanks for considering my AR clone dislike : ( I am not sure If I want to do anything right now but I will consider it, also, are ALL your events AR cloned? If not can I see about your english shinies?

RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

All of my events (except for like 6 of the PCPs and the English Platinum shiny section) are cloned via the flash cart method. Any foreign shiny is cloned via flash cart aswell. But since I want a shiny legend from you, you can pick any event or shiny you want.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

OK, BTW can you explain this shiny cart method, I have never heard of it and might wanna use it, can you explain please? AndI will take a look at your shinies
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Flash cart. It's a little too complex to explain it on a forum post so I'll PM it to you when I have some time to type it out.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

I am still interested in some of your shinies. Anything else you want from my thread? I updated with two new EVd pokemon.

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
OK, I really want to learn how that works since Iv never heard of it, cant wait for PM.
Its no more legit than AR cloning.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

I'm interested in your shiny Chimchar and one of your bold WISHMKR Jirachis. Jirachi is worth more than a shiny though. For the record, I have no interest in EVd Pokemon for whatever reason.

And using a flash cart is not AR cloning, which is what Ho-oh wanted. And it's much safer than Wifi cloning.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Bluesummers said:
I'm interested in your shiny Chimchar and one of your bold WISHMKR Jirachis. Jirachi is worth more than a shiny though. For the record, I have no interest in EVd Pokemon for whatever reason.

And using a flash cart is not AR cloning, which is what Ho-oh wanted. And it's much safer than Wifi cloning.

ok. Ill trade you those for your
shiny jolly tailow
shiny modest squirtle

I know its not AR cloning, but Im just saying they are both equally legit.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Do you want me to attach any items to the Pokemon you want from me? If you don't then I'll head onto Wifi.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Bluesummers said:
Do you want me to attach any items to the Pokemon you want from me? If you don't then I'll head onto Wifi.
nah. I dont really need much items.
heading in.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

I was looking through Flygon's thread. Sorry for the delay. I'm heading in now.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

its fine.
also, if you plan on hack checking any pokemon I trade you, please tell me the results.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

I'd have to check them after I get shiny Rayquaza (grrr... show up already...). But I will give you any and all results from checking your Pokemon.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Updated with the Goon Scizor and Crown Beasts sections. For those of you who do not know what I mean by "I have the WC," I have the Wonder Card and can obtain the Pokemon at my discretion (I'm too busy to get a bunch all at once). So if you want one, I'll individually obtain each one before I trade with you. Just be sure to offer something for them.XD
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

ok.. a lvl 1 shiny riolu? OT S3xy
egg recieved from day care.
everything seems to be in order
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