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  1. zCannibal

    Pyroar / Charizard EX

    yeah Luxiel i know what you mean, it would make it a little easier to target cards and builds if i know they work before i spend money or trade my packs lol But that is awesome that ninetales isn't rotating out BUT I'm back to square one trying to find room for professors letters lolol I...
  2. zCannibal

    Pyroar / Charizard EX

    LOL man i feel like a scrub, I haven't really checked the rotated sets because TCGO makes me think I'm alright, I have the DRX ninetles in my deck and it lets me play in standard matches with it but I had a strange feeling lol. Yeah i think Pal pad and professors letters may take the spot of...
  3. zCannibal

    Pyroar / Charizard EX

    Ah thank you sir, I don't remember any of the set abbreviations lol I was just thinking to myself is there anything else I can do with ninetales and you sir are onto something. I definitly have to give that a shot. Though I am wondering if the space ninetales takes up could be better used for...
  4. zCannibal

    Pyroar / Charizard EX

    Thanks bro I have put some serious thought into this list. I get what you mean about the roller skates and the flip and you're absolutely right so I'm gunna keep the bicycles. Thanks for the reply :D
  5. zCannibal

    Pyroar / Charizard EX

    Hello everyone I recently began playing again and I fell in love with this deck the first match I played it. I am just really concerned if my trainer line covers all the bases or if its just a complete mess. Also I cant find any room for professors letters wich I know I really need. Any advice...
  6. zCannibal

    My second attempt at a good team

    Yeah sub on tentacruel Isen't too helpful I will definitely switch to protect. As for trevenant, I like him and have considered him for my spin blocker but my main concern is the grass typing. I used to use an XL gourgeist as my spin blocker and his ice weakness only added to my overall ice...
  7. zCannibal

    My second attempt at a good team

    Hello everyone. I have recently become interested in competitive VG battling so I decided to make a team and give it a whirl. I have won a few matches so far on pokemon showdown but I would like to fix any issues before I bother to ev train and farm heart scales in game. But I am really new and...
  8. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    yeah i recently went back to my TDK to prepare for regionals, this deck despite the getting lucky or not usually doesnt do so bad for me, unless my opp gets all of their catchers, they catcher and pwn the dratinis so some games I COULDN'T do anything at all. I love this deck its so fun when it...
  9. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    yeah dude i know exactly what you mean haha i went up to 2 i feel a little safer :D
  10. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    dude im all for not being steamrolled lol I really love this deck and i really want to use it for regionals, Its just I've lost my fair share of games with this deck and I worry. Thats why I've gone back on my earlier statement of the space being best spent elsewhere about lazerbank because...
  11. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    Yea i dropped a juniper for level ball, but my 4 skyla may be too many so i could adjust skyla to 3 and bring j juniper back to 4. I usually get both of my tropius in my hand fairly early wich sucks cause i wish it was my trubbish haha I've also been worried about the stadium situation, but im...
  12. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    I got 2 of the dragon vault dratinis :D but yeah i really like the idea of being able to tool drop on a tool drop deck too haha but yea thats what I opted for instead of laserbank, another dragonite etc etc, let me know how it fares compared to the one with lazerbank as i have not been able to...
  13. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    RE: Dragonite/Garbodor oh yeah i know what you mean about the 10-20 hp remaining, it can be annoying lol I'm currently toying with the idea of lazerbank, i just need to get ahold of lazers cause i traded all of mine away lol I was actually going to ask you ivy how the electric energys work...
  14. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    RE: Dragonite/Garbodor EDIT: -1 Juniper +1 Level ball (i hated having to throw away 2 cards to get a dratini, so i didnt add just another ultraball) yeah shaymin ex is in there because i dont have the actual shaymin people run but i did have an ex :P however shaymin ex has helped me...
  15. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    RE: Dragonite/Garbodor lol my numbers may be off i was tabbing in and out of the tcg online i had exp shares in there but i didnt use them really, but you make a good point so im goin to put them back in i also rock guard my first dragonite but the bangles were for when i lost the guard :P...
  16. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    RE: Dragonite/Garbodor yeah I find DCE to be invaluable in getting dragonite up and running, so a 4th might be sweet thanks for the reply man :D
  17. zCannibal

    Dragonite / Garbodor

    Hello fellow beachers! I usually play an Absol TDK but today I want to talk about my other "competitive" deck. I really love this deck but it feels like it falls short in the competitive department. I'm debating a silver bangle or 2 because 90 a swing and item lock agianst ex is kinda sweet but...
  18. zCannibal

    TDK deck :D

    Bump, -1 WFLM blend -1 GPFD blend -1 Silver mirror +2 Water +1 Electric
  19. zCannibal

    TDK deck :D

    yeah my gf plays a blastoise deck, its nice to bump the beaches off the field, i only bring it up because Alot of the lists I've been lookin at don't run city so I was curious. also i really really like absol over lugia, its another use for bangle and in the mirror I can swing for 180 just like...
  20. zCannibal

    My Girlfriend needs help with her Keldeo/Blastoise

    As the title says we could use a little help, she said she would mulligan 2 or 3 times most games so I added in the Kyurems to give her more basics and alternate attckers, but any suggestions would be appreciated :D Pokemon 14 3 Keldeo EX 2 Kyurem EX (PLB) 2 Mewtwo EX 4 Squirtle PLB 3...