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  1. greenbeetless

    2008 Election

    I heard people say that also, but it's not going to happen. He won by a huge margin, but i believe his campaign was just like Bush's campaign. But instead of instilling fear he instilled hope and assumptions. Isn't politics great, votes are made due to the bandwagon effect. Instilling a feeling...
  2. greenbeetless

    2008 Election

    Thats how politics is. You have to lobby and make false promises just to move forward. It's like taking two steps back one step forward sometimes. Sigh, sometimes we don't even get to move forward.
  3. greenbeetless

    2008 Election

    That wasn't the point I was making. It was actually a light hearted joke, but I guess you take things seriously.
  4. greenbeetless

    2008 Election

    Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact it was premature. Sigh, never mind i was talking about technicality's.
  5. greenbeetless

    2008 Election

    It closed at 338, but before that they called him the new president at 207.
  6. greenbeetless

    2008 Election

    Technically it was premature because he needs 270 votes for a lock. California's 57 electoral votes would have won it for him because before they proclaimed him the winner he had already 207.
  7. greenbeetless

    Best deck choice for cities

    Gliscor looks good this format considering blissey, T-tar, and Raichu are all weak to him; but I'm sure that someones going to play water (Empoleon, Froszong, and Kingdra). If Gliscor gets a lock or can start tag playing then he has a good chance of winning.
  8. greenbeetless

    Best deck choice for cities

    I been play testing Raichu and if you do 4-3-1 (Pikachu,Raichu SF,Raichu Lv.x) the deck has a better chance of winning. If you focus on the energy ball rather then Raichu Lv.x voltage shooting then the deck goes off by turn 2 (if you get a Raichu,Electivire, and a Felicity). If you focus on...
  9. greenbeetless

    Best deck choice for cities

    Torterra is probably going to be the best deck to play. It doesn't have a bad match up, and even against weakness it stands a chance. With pokehealers this deck just gets better also. Sure it might look slow, but when it sets up it's really hard to derail a deck that can do constant 100 damage...
  10. greenbeetless

    Ruling Charizard (Base) > Charizard (SF) ?

    Just need to tell the other person about the errata.
  11. greenbeetless

    raichu lv.x

    Cheapest buy it now Raichu Lv.x i seen was 35 dollars, but the average would seem 24.95-40 Dollars. I got both of my Raichu's from a pre-release, but it would seem that Raichu is one of the rarest Lv.x of this set.
  12. greenbeetless

    Booster Pack Prices

    Well you can go to whole sale stores also. There is a place in LA called Frank And Son's which is like a mini comic-con. They sell packs relatively cheap, but they sell box's really cheap. I bought a MD box when it was hot for 60 buck's. Considering that I bought it right before LA it was a...
  13. greenbeetless


    It all depends on your meta already. For sure some kingdras, scizor, Torterra, T2 blissey (as well as so many variants of blissey), Zone decks, Magmortar, skittles (well i know in at least my meta there should be one), for sure a leafeon ( Magleaf, Leafray, and whatever they tech him into)...
  14. greenbeetless

    Ruling Electrode vs Glaceon LV. X

    Cool thanks again kaga.
  15. greenbeetless

    Ruling Electrode vs Glaceon LV. X

    Does anyone know?
  16. greenbeetless

    Ruling Electrode vs Glaceon LV. X

    If I use ion blast with Electrode and it knock out Gleaceon Lv.X do i still get to use energy shift to attach to a pokemon?
  17. greenbeetless

    Scared to go to a prerelease :(

    Pre-releases are just fun, and a cheap way to get 8 packs, sleeves, and a promo card. Pre-releases are just so lenient, because it's just about getting the packs and having fun. Good time to trade as well.
  18. greenbeetless

    Booster Pack Prices

    At my local store boosters cost $5 for 2 packs and you can only buy them in increments of 2. So $2.50 a pack, but thats only on packs before LA. The newest packs are always $3 a pack. Also, my store doesn't charge tax if your a patron.