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  1. PacMac tL

    Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

    RE: Updated 11-22 Scanmaster Shakespeare's Haves/Wants have shining gyrados (HP) LMK!
  2. PacMac tL

    H:x2heatran stamped rr and champ x drapion x giratina x W:floatzel gl x

    RE: {H}:la pop and some sf {W}:sf cards pop cards and more! so you dont have an RH heatran (fire, LA)
  3. PacMac tL

    H:x2heatran stamped rr and champ x drapion x giratina x W:floatzel gl x

    RE: {H}:la pop and some sf {W}:sf cards pop cards and more! have: Gyrados* interested in your: Heatran (fire, LA)- do you happen to have RH versions of it not holo?? LMK Dragonite (LA, holo) - do you have the family (Dragonair,Dratini) in RH? LMK thx!
  4. PacMac tL

    H:Dialga G LV X , Palkia G X, Kingdra LA x 4 W: To cyl, Leafeon X, Mismagius LV X, Shaymin PL 14

    RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF interested in your heatran lv. X i can offer: RH Combusken RH Monferno RH Chimchar RH Torchic Roseanne's Research x3 RH Rare Candy Felicity's Drawing x2 Gyrados* i can add to it if needed for...
  5. PacMac tL

    **CATBUS** ****Gold Star Central**** Just in: Gyarados *, JPN/1st Ed.

    RE: Catbus - [H]: SF Charizard, Heatran X, Shiny Drifloon, IFDS, GC: SKYMIN X, interested in heatran lv.x (SF, english from pack) and your RH Heatran (LA, fire Lv. 47) dont have much of your wants other than SW Weavile x2.. can add quite bit including dialga lv. x and gyrados* to offer...
  6. PacMac tL

    Saviour 's Topic - Trading Haves! Just Need Giratina X, Shaymin X and Promos

    RE: Saviour succeeds where Nanashii fails - 5/5/08 PM'd you..thx!
  7. PacMac tL

    Saviour 's Topic - Trading Haves! Just Need Giratina X, Shaymin X and Promos

    RE: Saviour succeeds where Nanashii fails - 5/5/08 CML for: DRE (P5) x4 i have: infernape (MD) Majestic Dawn sleeves LMK!!
  8. PacMac tL

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: New MD Cards IN!! Have LOTS OF Eeveelutions, Phoine, DP Starters, and MUCH, MUCH MORE! New Wants!! back to you in my thread, not sure if you saw it.. im interested also in your Azelf (MT, HOLO) LMK in my thread thx!!
  9. PacMac tL

    H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

    RE: H:Hetran X! x2 Gardy X! Mag X! x2 Vire X! Check it OUT! (updated 4/5/08) cml for infernape RH (DP) LMK thx!
  10. PacMac tL

    Saviour 's Topic - Trading Haves! Just Need Giratina X, Shaymin X and Promos

    RE: Saviour succeeds where Nanashii fails - 5/5/08 CML for: DRE x3 Infernape LV. X LMK thx!
  11. PacMac tL

    ~~ Taylor45

    RE: taylor45 CARDS received in Great Condition, GREAT TRADER +1
  12. PacMac tL

    ~~ DarthAxle

    RE: DarthAxle GOOD TRADER, Got Cards in a timely manner..THX! +1
  13. PacMac tL


    RE: Dark Bliss Got Cards in a Timely Manner, Cards WELL-protected..can trust!! +1
  14. PacMac tL

    [H]CoL Raikou!! All HS and more! [W]Shiny Entei, Groudon and Rayq, need Lugia EX and some promos!!!

    RE: umgriz's urgent needs! Please help! you didn't reply/get back to me..LMK plzz thx!
  15. PacMac tL


    RE: Got castaways and other trainers-ask!!....AND GOT CRESSELIA LV X-hard to get alright just keep me posted.. will most likely still want something..but for sure things off my wants list is a priority so yeaa..LMK thx!!
  16. PacMac tL


    RE: Got castaways and other trainers-ask!!....AND GOT CRESSELIA LV X-hard to get well i'm also interested in: RH Flaffy (SW) RH Roseanne's Research RH Professor Oak's Visit RH Rare Candy (GE) LMK thanks.
  17. PacMac tL

    [H]CoL Raikou!! All HS and more! [W]Shiny Entei, Groudon and Rayq, need Lugia EX and some promos!!!

    RE: umgriz's urgent needs! Please help! interested in: RH Flaffy (SW) RH Professor Oak's Visit (SW) LMK thx!!
  18. PacMac tL


    RE: Got castaways and other trainers-ask!! hey you wouldn't happen to have any: RH Magmortar (SW) would you, plz LMK thx!
  19. PacMac tL

    --T45's TradingThread-- Have Roseanne's and Arceus Lv.X

    RE: Taylor45's trade things NEED 3 LAST NINETALES! HELP ME GET THEM! Have: Mightyena EX Skarmory EX interested in: RH Blaziken (GE) RH Entei (SW) RH Combusken (GE) RH Togekiss (GE) Furret (SW) LMK thx!
  20. PacMac tL


    RE: [W] GARDY X [H]x4 flygon ex d My b-day is April 26!! alright its cool HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!