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  1. cutedragonofdeath


    just because someone listens to mainsteam music there stupid? that was just bias. grated I don't listen to most modern musicans, I prefer more unsual music like progisse, like porupine tree and triquatley dream or experimental, like radiohead or eyedea, but I don't call someone dumb just because...
  2. cutedragonofdeath

    Another Boy kills his parents for taking away his video games.

    Don't blame video games just shot the kid in the back of the head, problem sloved
  3. cutedragonofdeath

    Band on the brain?

    Eyedeas been in my head for ages, he so dam weird I love it! But at the momment, wings - band on the run
  4. cutedragonofdeath

    Crazy Phobias

    I have a fear of a lack of randomness, not a lie I can live one day with out one random thing hapening to me, seeing or saying. HORSE MEN!
  5. cutedragonofdeath


    We have coursework in england, my socialegy, geography and english is done, just art and sceince left and I've allready got a B in both physics and biolagy, and a c in cemisty
  6. cutedragonofdeath

    Why that username?

    Is his name harry by any chances?
  7. cutedragonofdeath

    Why that username?

    I disagree, only because a good freind of mine has a pengiun fetish :E
  8. cutedragonofdeath

    Pokemon vs. Digimon

    theres only one reason I ever watched digimon, Renamon <3 I had a crush on her when I was younger :3 Note to members: Because this post has generated more discussion of the topic, I'm leaving the thread open. Please do not report this post for thread revival. Thanks. ~Xous
  9. cutedragonofdeath

    Why that username?

    I love cute dragons :3 so adorable <(^_^)> and I end everthing with death e.g. the washing machine...of death!
  10. cutedragonofdeath

    How much time do you spend on the internet?

    About 3 - 10 hours ever 3 to 4 days, the time I spender is pretty random, mostly looking a furry stuff :3
  11. cutedragonofdeath

    Band on the brain?

    Offspring and Judas atm
  12. cutedragonofdeath

    Best Albums of the Decade?

    Eyedea and abilites - E&A, by the throat, First Born Muse - abbsolution NOFX - the best songs ever writen by us Atmosphere - The lucy ford ep, You can't Imagian how much fun were having Metallica - death mattic thats all I can think of right now
  13. cutedragonofdeath

    Rap This all I need to post, atlv. rap is without a doubt some of the most emotional music i've ever heard.