Search results

  1. Gamefreak734

    In what country do you learn what language?

    In my school they teach french, spanish, irish language and german. Although this Polish girl in my class was able to get a special teacher to teach her Polish becuase she moved here when she was young and she wants to keep up with her roots. Btw Veritas I wish I was at your school, I'd love to...
  2. Gamefreak734

    E3 2009

    I thinks its going to be epic this year with so many big new games being shown and stuff. Heres the games I'm most looking forward to seeing there: - Little Bigplanet PSP - HGSS - Guitar hero 5 - DJ hero - Motorstorm PSP Whats everyone else looking forward to about it?
  3. Gamefreak734

    Time and Space the Final Fronteir

    RE: Time You know I think almost everyone hear has been in a time machine before. When your in a moving car if you look out the front you see the future, look out the side you see the present and look out the back you see the past. XD Although as for actual time travel I'm not sure about this...
  4. Gamefreak734

    Funniest songs

    That new T-pain song about being on a boat is lolz. I would post a link but its a bit too explicit for some pokebeach members...
  5. Gamefreak734

    Max Payne

    RE: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian & I forgot the other name. NATM1 was bad, very bad in my opinion. But the sequel actually looks decent. I might go see it. But I mean how could you even want to go see any movie right now that isn't Hannah Montana? (Not really of course, not...
  6. Gamefreak734

    If you had a choice, where would you live?

    Hmmmm, tough one for me. I live in a small town but I'm much better suited to a city person so any place with big buildings XD
  7. Gamefreak734

    Pokemon How do you say pokemon?

    2nd option, although I used to pronouce it poke-a-mon.
  8. Gamefreak734

    American Idol result: satisfied?

    SPOILER ALERT Yes, I do watch American Idol. I actually wanted Adam to win but I'm still fine with Kris winning. I think he could be a great music figure. But then again all the people that come close to winning get some sort of a recording deal anyway don't they? But anyway what did...
  9. Gamefreak734

    Chintendo Vii

    Fail. I wonder why Nintendo haven't sued that company that made it yet? @above, another copy fail.
  10. Gamefreak734

    What makes YOU laugh?

    YOUR face. oj. I love a good youtube poop and a fail blog video:) That, and Sheldon from The Big bang theory.
  11. Gamefreak734

    The coming Pokémon-seasons~

    Oh dear. Galactic battle's tgeme song is bad, not to mention cheesy:(
  12. Gamefreak734


    I love this show but I think the finale was just okay; it could have been a lot better but it could have been a lot worse me thinks.Regardless of the finale the show is still epic win material, exculding the first season. lol Glen Matthews
  13. Gamefreak734

    The last Airbender

    Something that may be of interest: So The first installment of the Avatar Movies is estimated for a June 2010 release in the U.S and the first teaser will be shown along with Transformers 2. (Another movie I'm gonna go see;)) I can...
  14. Gamefreak734

    Braces!!! Anyone?

    I use to have blue braces but now I don't have a choice of what colour I gt on them now, my orthodontist just puts silver on them now.
  15. Gamefreak734

    The coming Pokémon-seasons~

    Sigh, yet another disgrage to pokemon. Same here, as well as having crap voices the characters have lost a personality, as well as most emotions.
  16. Gamefreak734

    Braces!!! Anyone?

    I got braces about eight months ago and I always seem to break them everytime I get them refitted. Once on my first day of getting them refitted I broke them when eating chicken, I mean thats just a fail, chicken!
  17. Gamefreak734

    (1) GS REMAKE COMING? [5/2]

    RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2] Poverty. Recession. Swine flu. ....GS REMAKE!!!! WOOP WOOP:D!
  18. Gamefreak734

    What are your plans for summer?

    7 day cruise around the medditerrian:D. Other than that: Pokebeach, looking at E3 stuff, friends etc
  19. Gamefreak734

    swine flu

    I live in Ireland and since England is right next to Ireland and England has it I'm a bit worried:(
  20. Gamefreak734

    What do you watch Friday Nights?

    The Johnathin google show takes up the majority of my Friday night :)