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  1. Pikamoo

    Pokemon Which animals missing??

    Hmm.. Nidoran families kinda look like Dino's...
  2. Pikamoo

    Pokemon what would happen if pokemon were real?

    If pokemon were real I'd go on a journey to beat the Elite 4 and search for Moss rock so I can evolve my Eevee there :D
  3. Pikamoo

    Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...*CLOSED AND HIRING*

    I have too many requests and I am closing shop until I get them done. Any new requests will be ignored. Unless someone can work here.... Current status: Closed Welcome to my request shop! I do: Splices: Recolors: Chao's: Your Poke/Fursonas in sprite form/Mystery Dungeon...
  4. Pikamoo

    Have you ever noticed...

    Yeah but they could evolve it into Raichu like Lt. Surge. And in G/S/C/R/S/E Pikachu's are rare... But that's the games.. Oh well.
  5. Pikamoo

    Ash's naetle

    I didn't vote but here's my opinion: Look at the pattern of the Anime. Every region he's gotten all 3 starters (except Hoenn but May got a Torchic and Brock got a Mudkip) and 1 of them always evolves. So, since Hikari got a Pocchama (sp?) Brock is probably going to get a Hikozaru, so that means...
  6. Pikamoo

    Have you ever noticed...

    Have you ever noticed practically no one else in the Anime has a pikachu? (besides Richie and that surfer dude) If you have seen one, please post.
  7. Pikamoo

    pikachu vs. pikachu

    I voted for they are both ugly because I like the surfer one (those blue and I don't like richie's because of it's voice (drives me crazy watching Chronicles..) and Ash's Pikachu is just a regular pikachu.
  8. Pikamoo

    pokemon youtube help

    I don't think anyone can upload any pokemon episodes on YouTube because of copyrights. I've clicked on links to watch pokemon episodes on some sites and it says it was removed. You probably won't find any.
  9. Pikamoo

    Do You Think Team Rocket's Meowth Is A Boy Or A Girl?

    I think its a boy no doubt. But it is voiced by a girl...except until Battle Frontier maybe. /offtopic/ I hate the new voices XD /offtopic/
  10. Pikamoo

    Ash's 2nd best Pokemon?

    I voted for Sceptile. I'm sorry, but after I saw that battle against Spencer (I think...The frontier brain that has that cane thing that has a Groudon mark on it) I thought Sceptile was the best in his party.
  11. Pikamoo

    pokemon md and a johto ep

    "pokemon mysterous dungeon." It's. Not. Mysterious. DUNGEON!!! IT'S MYSTERY!!!! Sorry, I've seen people call it that everywhere. Anyway, That's really weird! I didn't really watch the Johto season for some reason...
  12. Pikamoo

    Sadest Pokemon Moments?...

    The saddest was when Max had to leave Ralts. I almost cried! My mom goes, " You're crying over Pokemon?" XD She thinks I'm a dork for liking pokemon :P