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  1. V


    Strategy: Get out chandy and vileplume T2/3 for trainer lock and small damage than charge up a chandy to do 50+ the 60 youll do with abilities and Burn+confusion The list: 24 pokemon 4-4-4 Chandelure 3-1-2 Vileplume 2-2 dodrio 1 pichu 1 cleffa 12 energy 4 rescue 8 psychic 22...
  2. V

    VVV (vaniluxe/vilplume/victini)

    Oh okay Thanks
  3. V

    VVV (vaniluxe/vilplume/victini)

    yes i know its bad but why 4 rescue? and how does cyogonal help i already have the weakness on donphan
  4. V

    VVV (vaniluxe/vilplume/victini)

    strategy: start with cleffa for hand refresh, pichu for setup, or teddiursa CL for T1 trainer lock while setting up vilplume for trainer lock for rest of the game. then setup up 2-3 vanniluxes and a victini to start attacking with double freeze and do 40-80+ paralysis. pokemon: 23 4-3-4...
  5. V

    Kingbuzz possible?

    Thanks but im not sure. I'll playtest online some.
  6. V

    Kingbuzz possible?

    Yah. Well i atleast wanna try it on playtcg or PTCGO. My only other options are thr truth and VVV and i have 0 victini's, and some other deck called (SKYc, Scizor, klinklang, yanmega, cobalion) which isnt as bad as it sounds
  7. V

    Kingbuzz possible?

    I know dont even have the cards just getting some ideas. I havent been good at all this yar so i dont think it matters what deck i play. Nobody plays MET in our meta anyway
  8. V

    Kingbuzz possible?

    Should i switch energy search foe energy exchanger or switch
  9. V

    Kingbuzz possible?

  10. V

    Kingbuzz possible?

    Oh sorry copied it off my pokegym account. Its water
  11. V

    Kingbuzz possible?

    pokemon: 20 4-1-3 Kingdra 3-3 BLW Mandibuzz 2 Absol Prime 2 Elekid TM 2 terrakion NV Energy: 10 1 water 3 SPECIAL dark 3 basic dark 1 fighting 2 rainbow Trainers/Items: 19 1 energy search 2 rocky helmet 2 super rod 2 catcher 4 candy 4 Junk arm 4 Pokemon communication Supporters: 11 2 N 2...
  12. V

    The Truth needs help

    strategy: well, everybody knows, but get out vilplume and reuniclus out asap and start taking unanswered prizes becuase of donphan/dragons/reuniclus collabaration pokemon: 27 3-2-2 reuniclus 3-1-2 vileplume 2-2 donphan 1-1 blissey 2 zekrom 1 reshiram (really needed?) 1-1 SEL 2 pichu...
  13. V

    Brighton, Michigan Cities Top 2 Match with Commentary!

    OK i was the guy that recorded this video 1) Chris was the one using chandelure (he's a GUY) 2) he used tropical beach in game 2 we didnt get the vid to henry tho 3) it is a great chandy list especially for his first time using it in a tournament it went 4-0 (beating henry once) so ZERO- dont...
  14. V

    Donphan and dragons

    wow neo, thanks for the awesome advice ill make some changes
  15. V

    Donphan and dragons

    get t2 donphan and starttaking earthquake ko's while putting damage on benched dragons to take future ko's with outrage. questioning: zoroark, DCL, eviolite, more N, different dragon lines, CL or HG phanpy?, mew pokemon: 13 4-4 donphan 1 kyurem 3 zekrom 1 tornadus tss: 34 3 rocky...