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  1. S

    Giratina and Gardvoir

    That's what I hate so much about this format. No matter how many good/original ideas people make for decks, it's easily trumped by the same EX cards. Oh well.. I tried. Guess I need to figure out which EX Pokemon I want to abuse.. >_> [hr] I dunno.. what if I threw out the Gardevoir line...
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    Giratina and Gardvoir

    I'm back! After the failure of my last deck, I decided to try and use something completely different. It seems to get me 50/50 wins in the online TCG, been thinking about taking it to league tomorrow. Anyways, here it is: Pokemon: 4x Giratina (Plasma) 3-1-3 Gardevoir (Mirage) 1x Mewtwo...
  3. S

    Quad Rayquaza

    RE: quad rayqauza This deck would instantly lose to Sigilyph, or Klinklang, which is getting really popular. I'd add ultra balls and a non EX attacker, possibly Reshiram to get passed that Klinklang.
  4. S

    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    Yea it was a typo.. I noticed it earlier but was too lazy to fix it..x_X [hr] Anyways, I'm entertaining the thought of using a 4-0-4 line, but would I take out to do that?
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    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    Whoops! Fixed.. ^_^;;;
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    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    Ok so I had a thought. I was thinking of adding Terrakion (Retaliate) to this deck, to cover Darkrai, as Darkrai does resist psychic.. now I could remove either the Sigilyph or the Mewtwo EX to do this, but not sure which one, and just add an extra fighting energy or two. Does this sound like...
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    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    I wanted to use Mewtwo for a variety of reasons.. it seems to go well with Gallade. For instance, Mewtwo is easy to setup.. two energies and it's attacking. Another, is that while Gallade only needs two energies, it doesn't need more to gain more attack power.. put a Mewtwo on the bench, load...
  8. S


    So I've updated my deck list again, and played it at league. It's much better now, especially with the addition of Reshiram. We had a mini tournament, 4 rounds. I won 2, lost 2. Lost against a Darkrai deck.. I would have won, but an early N gave my opponent the advantage. I also lost...
  9. S

    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    It is very difficult to set up T2, usually my ralts ends up Catchered and KOed T1, or it happens because it's not up by T2.. I could try another Ultra Ball, or even more Gallade.
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    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    The original post does have my updated list, and post #4 details my issues with it. It really is a nice deck so far, but could still use tweaking. Hypnotoxic/Darkrai/Landorus seem to be giving me trouble, not sure about Keldeo, haven't run into that online lately.
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    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    Really? o_0 Maybe I haven't tested it enough..
  12. S


    I agree with keeping the sig.. and so far I'm liking the addition of Reshiram. My deck was a focused Reshiboar deck when I started playing again two months ago (I was behind on the times..) and I quickly found that Keldeo was trouncing me. However, I added one in as per SheNinja's suggestion...
  13. S


    Thanks for the suggestions, but I just tried this out online, and Inferno Fandango would not pick up the Blend energy. Dunno if it's a glitch, but I suppose I can ask a professor. I do have other concerns, like why so many N's? I can see maybe using it to screw my opponent, but it seems to me...
  14. S


    Alright, so I managed to get a Computer Search via trade at my league, so I put that in, and updated my list to reflect the changes I've made through suggestions. I was thinking of putting 4 Skyla, and instead of the heavy balls and level balls, I'd use 3-4 Ultra Balls, and discard energy and...
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    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    RE: Trying to make Gallade work No more replies? I could still use the help. o_o
  16. S

    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    RE: Trying to make Gallade work Sorry for the.. really late reply. I made some changes to the list, and to answer those questions, it seems by the time I get Gallade set up, my opponent is already done and hitting me hard with Landorus or Darkrai. I haven't tested it with more Skyla, though I...
  17. S

    Gallade and Ho-Oh

    Trying to make a Gallade deck with the new plasma Gallade, using Ho-Oh for energy. It's not going very well, as it's way too slow. Maybe I can get some help? Here's the list: Pokemon: Ho-Oh (Rebirth) x3 Mewtwo EX x1 3-0-3 Gallade Sigilyph x2 Items: Computer Search x1 Energy Switch x2...
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    Eelektrik Revenge

    RE: Eels Revenge Colress doesn't take into account the active Pokemon, only the benched ones. In that scenario, you would draw 5 cards, not 7.
  19. S


    So I attended a prerelease yesterday, and surprise surprise.. I pulled a Dowsing Machine. ^_^ Been testing it out with the one Colress I pulled at my league, and so far there's a big improvement. Can't wait till Wednesday where I'll get many more Plasma cards and I'll be able to further test this.
  20. S


    Thanks for the quick replies! And thanks for welcoming me! Yea, getting Ace Specs is going to be tough.. usually if I get a rare card like that, I put away for collection and would never dream of using it unless I found another. Since this IS league play, proxy's are an option.. anyway...