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  1. J

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation? Am I missing something, or is the roadrunners signature move just swinging the poor snake around like a whip? Interesting idea for a Fighting/Flying type though, especially with its little velociraptor stance.
  2. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see? Well, it's Japanese name literally translates to "Electric Dragon", so it makes sense it'd show up amongst dragon-themed sets, even if it isn't a Dragon-type (it isn't the only time a name...
  3. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: How do you feel about the revealed Mega Pokémon and which new Mega Pokémon are you hoping to see? Here's something I've been wondering about Mega Evos... So far, a number of Mega Evos are said to specialize in a specific stat, like Mewtwo in SP ATK, and Mawile in DEF and SP DEF, but do...
  4. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: [split] What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation? Is that suppose to be a joke or something? Because I'm pretty sure the Awakened Form was just a temporary name until they revealed the Mega Forms. In any case, Insomnia is still pretty useless in an...
  5. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see? Awww, now I'm sad :(... I liked the idea of Mewtwo having a unique ultimate form; something that once again made him the ultimate uber. Personally, I'm still holding out hope that this Mega Form thing is somehow manmade, and as such super...
  6. J

    XY Are You Going to Spoil Yourself This Generation?

    Yep... especially now with the reveal of Mega Pokemon, I'm gonna want to know all of that!
  7. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see? I was thinking earlier today, about Mewtwo's supposed other Mega Form; this is speculation of course, and I suspect I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but... So far we've seen nothing of this rumored second form, and it's got me...
  8. J

    XY Revised Type Chart

    Whelp, looks like we don't have much more time to speculate all this... CoroCoro has confirmed the new type chart will be revealed next month.
  9. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see? Use? Yes. Deserve? No... for the exact reason you specified. Sad fact of the matter is, there's always gonna be filler characters, and I can't imagine why they'd spend time beefing up fillers when the big name characters are what everyone...
  10. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: What 'Mega' Pokemon formes are you hoping to see? I suppose it's worth noting that new info has confirmed that not all Pokemon will be getting a Mega Form. Definitely makes sense. I personally can't see why some Pokemon, like the generic early bug, bird and Normal-types getting a Mega Form.
  11. J

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation? I kinda wish I had said it before, but an Electric/Fairy Pikachu clone... I'd be able to say "totally called it", but then, I now suspect many people figured it was going to happen, even if they never said it, since...
  12. J

    XY What are your views regarding Mega Forms being distributed through Wi-Fi?

    Agreed, especially since having my old internet device swapped for a new one means I can't get my DS online anymore, which means no Dream World Pokemon for me :( ... That actually sounds really plausible. With Blaziken confirmed to have a Mega Evo, it seems likely all starters will, and doing...
  13. J

    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    RE: [split] What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation? I kinda like this actually... its an entirely new mechanic that brings new possibilities to the game, and so far the new Mega Forms are actually pretty cool looking, if you ask me. Suddenly seems like a...
  14. J

    XY Will Pokémon other than Fairy have their types revised this generation?

    Ninetales is already too similar to Fennekin, who according to our reliable rumor provider is going to evolve into Fire/Psychic, which would just make their obvious simularities even more obvious. Neither Granbull or Ursaring are particularly Dark in any way... Granbull, while monstrous...
  15. J

    XY Revised Type Chart

    True, but blocking isn't the same as attacking; in fact it's the exact opposite. This perfectly explains why Rock resists Flying, but not why its offensively superior.
  16. J

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Pokemon X/Y Rumors Those are fake... the source admitted to making it all up.
  17. J

    XY Revised Type Chart

    In my mind, I always thought it was because a bird obviously couldn't fly carrying a rock. I suppose the old saying "hitting two birds with one stone" could be applied as well.
  18. J

    XY Learnable moves revision

    Well, off the top of my head... Flareon and Entei NEED Flare Blitz... I mean, how do they not have the ultimate physical Fire move?! Really, any physical fire move besides Fire Fang would be a huge boost to their abilities. Actually, all three legendary beasts need the moves their Zoroark...
  19. J

    XY Revised Type Chart

    I must say I don't agree with everything he's saying... but that said, I do agree Grass could use a boost. Personally, I think Grass should resist Fairy-types, or even be immune to it. Fairies are often depicted as creatures that help nature, and as such a Fairy hurting a plant seems a bit...
  20. J

    XY Revised Type Chart

    Containing something isn't the same as defeating it. Even when contained by a circle of rocks, the fire would continue to burn, only stopping once its fuel is depleted. Really, most anything can be used to put out a fire, the question is, is the method practical? Water? Used frequently in...