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  1. cappuccino

    houndoom + absol or honchkrow + absol?

    Plain houndoom T2. Play it like kricketune. Use absol if you want but there's claydol to stop it. Honchkrow doesn't work as well as it did as there's claydol.
  2. cappuccino

    togekiss level x

    Look around at the old pages of the PB news. It's somewhere at page 7 now I guess.
  3. cappuccino


    The thing about garchomp is that there's practically no way to speeden it unless you're using togekiss. And if you add poryz with it, you get to dominant attcakers not helping each other. Though they look like they help each other, they don't.
  4. cappuccino

    Real Friend?

    You know of all places to put this up, this is Dark Bliss would probably be seeing this now... Anyways, it depends on your decision. Stay put with him or just leave him. Yes, he apologized but do you think he did it sincerely? How long have you been putting up to him and do you...
  5. cappuccino

    Which is the best DP box to buy?

    Ah, should have told us that earlier then at least you could end all the arguments...
  6. cappuccino

    sceptile(ge) + venasaur(cg)?

    let's say I attach a leaf energy. It provides 1 leaf. But sceptile makes a basic leaf energy card provide two leaf. No other pokmeon that I know of can do what sceptile does. So in short, tangrowth and eggs now work with sceptile.
  7. cappuccino

    EXs That Will Just Never Die...

    Turn 2. It does massive damage by turn 2 and uses only one pokemon line. Like T2 kricketune, banette, butterfree and houndoom. Also uses lots of quick ball and night maintenance or TSD.
  8. cappuccino


    Slow, inconsistent and depends very much on your luck. No, it isn't a good combo. But poryz with delcaton that'll work. Discard energies, bring it back, then flip.
  9. cappuccino

    sceptile(ge) + venasaur(cg)?

    Wait for leafeon. That'll solve the problem. But mind you it won't be easy getting it. Tangrowth's better because it's a tank and it snipes.
  10. cappuccino

    buck's training

    T2 decks and cards like riolu and absol should really misuse buck. But keep in mind that the drawing part of it is quite mediocre as LC stated. But the main reason for it to be around is the built-in double pluspower. That's about it. So decks using buck would still have to depend on cards like...
  11. cappuccino

    EXs That Will Just Never Die...

    Look above.
  12. cappuccino

    what have you seen at your states / provincials?

    Same goes for every other country in the world. But do watch out for blissey. It ain't dead yet.
  13. cappuccino

    A few TCG questions

    Infercatty. 3-2-3 Infernape 4-3/2 Delcatty PK/EX {the lunasol engine might help} 4 felicity 4 rare candy 4 pluspower and so on... Strategy: Put as many energies into your discard pile then flare them up.
  14. cappuccino

    Where and How to Buy?

    Well, first you need to decide what and how to make a deck. Learn everything you need to know about cards before doing anything. You could browse the forum first. After deciding what deck to build, it's advisable to buy single cards first then make a deck depending on your budget. Then, after...
  15. cappuccino

    Which is the best DP box to buy?

    Only armaldo and cradily, I guess. But when aerodactyl comes, the whole format will change dramatically.
  16. cappuccino

    Ruling Questions {obviously}

    Ok, thanks. Get it now. Though this question is outdated and probably answered before, I'm just making sure... Can happiny get rare candied into chansey or does I have to go through the baby evolution pokepower process? If I play cessy then I can't use baby evolution right? So happiny can't...
  17. cappuccino

    EXs That Will Just Never Die...

    Jirachi ex was used at worlds as a tech. I'm not sure which deck though. True, many exs suffer the same fate as bieng a rare but unplayable card. Hope they don''t do the same for lv.xs..
  18. cappuccino

    Tin Cards

    No, they're practically the same. No difference. But through experience... 1} My bro bought a celebi ex POP tin and pulled a flygon ex d and a metagross ex. 2} He also bought a plusle/minun trainer kit and pulled a charizard ex from the free FRLG booster. My first ex! Those two incidences...