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  1. RegiReal

    Should Tropical Beach Get Reprinted or Banned?

    I think that it would juts be a better idea to print a card with a similar effect, say shuffle in then draw 5, turn ends. It would keep beach unique and prestigious, yet allowing other players to simply go buy a similar card to run. [hr] You also have to think, if you're going to a large...
  2. RegiReal

    Pokemon Catcher Nerf

    Everything they added, has been done to slow down the format, the first turn attack, the catcher nerf. Everything. This thread is to be solely about the pokemon catcher nerf. Not the first turn rule as well. ~Camoclone
  3. RegiReal

    Virizion EX / Genesect EX

    I found Deoxys to be an excellent tech in this deck, especially if you run Virizion with plasma badges. Makes for great energy acceleration and some decent damage.
  4. RegiReal

    (1) Xerneas-EX, Yveltal-EX, Venusaur-EX, and Blastoise-EX from XY Collections Revealed! [10/10]

    Guys. Just because EX's are still big doesn't mean it's the end of the world... We've seen counters to them before, and I don't see why they're so bad, I enjoy a fast paced match, makes you think more. And Plasma Kyerum in my opinion, is just as bad as any EX, if not worse because it only gives...
  5. RegiReal

    Keldeo Decks Other Than Blastoise/Keldeo

    Klinklang, Keldeo is a great tech in the shift gear deck.
  6. RegiReal

    Legit, lol I live up in Tacoma.

    Legit, lol I live up in Tacoma.
  7. RegiReal

    Dowsing Machine (Plasma Storm # 128) {12/15/12}

    Search for dowsing rod with skyla, discard two cards, pull out catcher. Benched mewtwo, goodbye.
  8. RegiReal

    hammer time!, Washington state

    hammer time!, Washington state
  9. RegiReal

    Lets try this again shall we? (Klinklang)

    i think landurous ex would be good because he can hit fast and hard. giving out some damage while i set up.
  10. RegiReal

    Lets try this again shall we? (Klinklang)

    I am however torn between Groudon EX,Terrakion EX, Landorous EX, and terrakion. any ideas there for what to pick? [hr] oh also on another note, kyogre id heavy ball searchable, so if i need a water type fast hes there.
  11. RegiReal

    Lets try this again shall we? (Klinklang)

    The keldeos are definently a good idea, kinda gets the water spectrum covered better than kyogre or kyreum. i think i would want one copy of kyogre in there just for the nice spread. idk the card just clicks for me and has never really let me down. as for the other suggestions you made. they all...
  12. RegiReal

    Gardevoir (ND # 57) {11/19/12}

    Well ya the frailness of her is definently a draw back, all in all she is underwhelming. but playable to a very tiny extent.
  13. RegiReal

    Lets try this again shall we? (Klinklang)

    I'll try multiple variants to see how they work for me, thanks for the input guys. :)
  14. RegiReal

    Lucky Fire, Well thank you. :)

    Lucky Fire, Well thank you. :)
  15. RegiReal

    (1) February's English Set: 'Plasma Storm' [11/19]

    Oh, thank you for pointing that out. :) im sorry i missed that. [hr] I esspecially like the klinklang that is coming in the next set. :D definently a cool card. :)
  16. RegiReal

    (1) February's English Set: 'Plasma Storm' [11/19]

    plus its non ex and still does 90, 2hkoing every thing in format, (without eviolite/crystal wall) meaning attack with darkrai ex, take a hit swicth to non ex darkrai, ko and only give one prize for ko, of course it does take 4 energy ({D}{D}{C}{C}) but dark patch is darkrai's best friend. :D
  17. RegiReal

    Mewtwo EX (ND # 98) {11/18/12}

    Almost always weaker but it has its perks, psydrive decimates low energy attackers like empoleon and zorark. and with two energies on mewtwo and 3 on darkrai spydrive actually does more, and discards an energy so mewtwo is less open to a mewtwo counter.
  18. RegiReal

    Gardevoir (ND # 57) {11/19/12}

    A decent card, provides some psychic acceleration. although i would think that hydreigon with blends and prism would work better for psychics like cresselia, but gardevoir works well with mewtwo because it only requires 1 energy to attack and 2 two use psydrive, with cresselia and hydreigon...
  19. RegiReal

    fighting.dek need help with regionals

    stunfisk is a viable substitute, only 20 less damage. and your opponent doesnt get 2 prizes for a ko
  20. RegiReal

    fighting.dek need help with regionals

    Oh im sorry. xD i meant darkrai variants. [hr] he has no landorous EX. :/