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  1. V

    Greenwood, IN, 01/14/2011 (My first tourney in YEARS)

    Sounds like it was fun! I like the VVV play as well. Also, by this I assume he used Iron Breaker then retreated, so he wasn't paralyzed. Did you think about retreating? I think Cobalion prevents only attack. Good job!
  2. V

    Top tier decks after ND

    Mewtwo/Shaymin/Tornadus with Celebi Prime, that is. I'm testing a modified list of it right now, because there's no Gigas EX or Exp Share, both of which I was considering.
  3. V

    How to beat ChandePlume

    I think that Chandelure won't be played anymore after ND. Pokes just have far too much HP, and Skyarrow bridge allows for cheap or free retreat out of the special conditions. If not using EXs (, use them), then spinarak would be the top tech on my list.
  4. V

    VVV (Victini, Vileplume, Vanilluxe)

    I think a MewScoops version be the only playable version of this deck in ND-on. So, add four Mew Prime and lessen Vanilluxe lines. Just search "Mew Scoops" in deck garage. For your deck itself, -2-2 Beartic; its 3 energy cost paired with the fact that you run no DCE (and rightfully so, because...
  5. V

    Eelzone + Raikou EX

    Agreed on the Magby part. It was used before ND in Dragon decks, so that burn (20) plus the 120 of their bigger attack could OHKO Gothitelles or Vanilluxe or Beartic and such. Also, you will realistically need 3 switch to sustain a Raikou; Dynamotor only attaches to the bench, so unless you have...
  6. V

    Good Game Man (Gardevoir, Gothitelle, Mewtwo EX)

    -4 Elgyem +2 Pichu +1 Cleffa +1 Twins Honestly, I'm not sure this is going to work. Other Mewtwo will be running rampant, and you won't be able to consistently setup Gothitelles after KOs. Especially with only two Twins. Also not sure what the four Elgyem are for. They won't be the best option...
  7. V

    Top tier decks after ND

    You have a good point. I'm thinking more on the Vanilluxe, as it causes 93% paralysis, which you can't retreat out of.
  8. V

    Top tier decks after ND

    The problem is the HP. Gothitelle's 130 is too low to be played as an attacker now. An EX could easily OHKO it, and, being a stage 2, it would take too long to set up another one. Besides, if you're going against Mewtwo, your Gothitelle with double {P} energy just increases X Ball's damage.
  9. V

    Top tier decks after ND

    Lugia Legend won't be your best option, and you can see why here. RDL likely outclasses it, and Magnezone does as well. Basically, you'll end up spending too many resources in the form of prizes (while your other Pokes sit up there and get killed during setup), cards (Ocean Grow discard, or...
  10. V

    Strange Weather History Thread

    We are getting pelted by snow here in Redmond (Seattle area). The big storm and have been predicting is here. In my backyard, our snow gauge reads 8 in. and counting. 4 fresh inches today, which is weird because our average annual snow is 5.9 in. About a week ago, we...
  11. V

    Name Change Requests - Closed.

    RE: Name Change Requests May I have my name changed to Verbivore please? Thanks. Done ~CMP
  12. V

    I noticed that you have trade wants in your signature, some of which I have and am willing to...

    I noticed that you have trade wants in your signature, some of which I have and am willing to trade. Is that up-to-date? Do you have a thread? Please LMK. Thanks!
  13. V About this... Yes, of course RDL and Mewtwo and Zekrom can hit for 130+, as well as magnezone. However, think about it. The EX/Legend hits for OHKO. Then you bring up another Vanilluxe...
  14. V

    simply OUTRAGE

    Maybe Twins count should be higher. That way you will either fall behind but get setup, or setup slowly like they will if they don't take early prizes. +3 Twins -2 Rescue Energy -1 Pont
  15. V

    VVV post Next Destinies Will it come back!?

    It will be playable. Nobody is going to get 3 or 4 catchers in the first 6 turns. I mean, really? In theory that's possible, but not actually going to happen. Honestly, they catcher up one thing and then if you're smart, you twins for vileplume and candy. If you just add in a dragon for stall...
  16. V

    when are you available for the mini cup?

    when are you available for the mini cup?
  17. V

    Do you realize that Eelektrik has to attach to the bench? (Check the I pulled something cool...

    Do you realize that Eelektrik has to attach to the bench? (Check the I pulled something cool thread for your post.)
  18. V

    City Championships Times

    Thanks! Leaving now. You can close this thread. Sorry; I didn't know about that other one...
  19. V

    City Championships Times

    Could anyone tell me how long a 5-round City Championships will usually last? One time without top cut, one time including it. Thanks in advance! Leaving in about an hour.
  20. V

    are you available for a PlayTcg cup match right now?

    are you available for a PlayTcg cup match right now?