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  1. Jigglypuff13

    Just started again :]

    Welcome back to the game! Now, to answer your questions: At the moment, the best deck in the format is G&G, which is the combo between Gallade (Secret Wonders (SW)), Gardevoir (SW) and Gardevoir Lv.X (SW). Countering it is hard at best. T2 Banette (consisting of Banette (SW)) is the best...
  2. Jigglypuff13

    Just started again :]

    Welcome back to the game! Now, to answer your questions: At the moment, the best deck in the format is G&G, which is the combo between Gallade (SW), Gardevoir (SW) and Gardevoir Lv.X (SW). Countering it is hard at best. T2 Banette is the best counter we have. It beats the deck most of the...
  3. Jigglypuff13

    Saturday, 4/5, Website Back Up, Thank You

    Great stuff, the site is back up! I have to say, I honestly thought it might have been gone for good, but I suppose I should've realised that you would keep the site up. And what a site! The new layout is just superb, it looks great. I have to say, some of the new links look very interesting...
  4. Jigglypuff13

    Happy B-day Chairman Kaga!

    Happy birthday Chariman Kaga, a great rules clarifier and DF deck box owner!
  5. Jigglypuff13

    So, what music are ya'll into?

    Too many to remember, but I'll try anyway. My favourite at the moment has to be We Are Scientists. Then, in no particular order are: They Might Be Giants, Futureheads, The Killers, The Automatic, The Young Knives, Modest Mouse, Hadouken!, Klaxons, Muse, Jimmy Eat World, Feeder, Levellers...
  6. Jigglypuff13

    Friday, 3/14, DP5 Rulings, Heatran LV.X, Mystery Dungeon 2 Explorer's Guide

    For everyone who is saying Magmortar Lv.X and Heatran Lv.X make a good combo, good luck getting it out quickly and consistently. 2 Lv.X's = slow. What lines are you going to play to make the deck consistent? 3-2-2 Mag and 2-2 Heatran mean more consistent Lv.X's, but not for the normal forms. 3...
  7. Jigglypuff13

    Wednesday, 3/12, All "DP5: Temple of Angery, Cry from the Mysterious" Set Scans and Translations

    I quite like the look of Vileplume, with a nice Poison or Sleep definite Poké-Power. Where is Weezing (DX) when you need it? I suppose we will have to do with Gengar (DP) for a Poison KO (hopefully) every turn. Victreebel isn't bad, with Poison and Burn for nothing, plus switching if you wanted...
  8. Jigglypuff13

    Wednesday, 3/12, All "DP5: Temple of Angery, Cry from the Mysterious" Set Scans and Translations

    RE: Wednesday, 3/12, All "DP5: Temple of Angery, Cry from the Mysterious" Set Scans Ninjask and Shedinja are just cool and great. Ninjasks Chip Off isn't great, but Shedinja is just brutal. You get a more powerful Cure Powder in Power form, and you place damage counters, which can get around a...
  9. Jigglypuff13

    Wednesday, 3/12, All "DP5: Temple of Angery, Cry from the Mysterious" Set Scans and Translations

    RE: Wednesday, 3/12, All "DP5: Temple of Angery, Cry from the Mysterious" Set Scans There are some interesting looking cards in DP5. I have to say, I can't wait for the translations of the set. For me, the interesting cards start off with Azlef Lv.X, with an attack that will hopefully have a...
  10. Jigglypuff13

    Sunday, 3/9, Complete DP5 Theme Deck Translations

    To me, there aren't that many stand out cards in the theme decks. Bubble Coat is quite nice, a one time effect of stopping weakness is certainly something to think about, though Blastoise {d} (CG) is the (better) alternative in decks that run Rare Candy. Buck's Training is still quite nice, even...
  11. Jigglypuff13

    Friday, 3/7, 11th Movie Trailer Description, Ranger Battonage Website, Magnezone / Lucario Promo Tra

    The Japanense promo cards aren't too bad. Lucario isn't as quick as the DP one, but it's still respectable, sacrificing that speed for more power from Smash Kick. Blocking Punch isn't helpful though, needing a Metal which most Lucario decks probably won't use, and gives it defensive capabilities...
  12. Jigglypuff13

    Tuesday, 3/4, New DP5 and Japanese Promo Pictures / Scans, Buck's Training, POP 7 Scans, CNN Iraq Vi

    RE: Tuesday, 3/4, New DP5 and Japanese Promo Pictures / Scans, Buck's Training Buck's Training is rather nice. The extra damage will definately come in handy, surprising a fair few people unless they know your deck inside out. Drawing 2 cards isn't a habby secondary effect, but I doubt they...
  13. Jigglypuff13

    Monday, 3/3, The Day Dratini Grew Up - How I Became a Pokemon Card - Kagemaru Himeno

    That was a great little story. I didn't really know what to expect, but I have to say, I did enjoy it. It will be great to see what other stories he did.
  14. Jigglypuff13

    Friday, 2/29, POP 7 Scans and Set List, No New Characters in SSBB

    I'm so disappointed with POP7. I thought POP6 was bad, but this is actually worse. All the cards (apart from maybe Mothim (which we can hope is the Japanese promo)) are reprints in POP7, but at least in POP6 they had the decency to put in 2 new cards (the Gible and Pikachu) IIRC. I suppose the...
  15. Jigglypuff13

    Redshark Preperation Tournament! ROUND 2 PAIRINGS ARE UP!

    RE: Redshark Preperation Tournament! ROUND 1 PAIRINGS ARE UP! After a tense battle (went down to the flip of a coin), Arianne won our game. Still a great game though.
  16. Jigglypuff13

    Thursday, 2/28, Majestic Dawn Set Logo, SSBB at Sears Early, Pokemon and PokeBeach

    Majestic Dawn's logo actually looks like a majestic dawn. what a coincidence! Actually, I have to say, I like it. But wow on the dark energy thing. That's just great. PokéBeach is getting some (rather odd, admittitly) advertisement. That's just such a strange place to find it, during a lecture...
  17. Jigglypuff13


    RE: Fire Pokemon Master Good trader, very fast, cards came well protected + 1 ref.
  18. Jigglypuff13

    Monday, 2/25, DP5: Majestic Dawn, Everyone's Pokemon Ranch, New Darkrai Ending Song, Darkrai Songs

    Taken a while to get Garchomp Lv.X, but at least we finally will. I'm more interested in the Eeveelutions and Phione (especially Phione) being released in MD. I can't wait to see what other cards are going to be in the set (though, you can probably guess a majority...).
  19. Jigglypuff13

    Redshark Preperation Tournament! ROUND 2 PAIRINGS ARE UP!

    RE: Redshark Preperation Tournament! I'll happily join, sounds fun and I've got a deck I want to try out to see if it works properly.
  20. Jigglypuff13

    what is better

    Test both out to find out which one is better. I think Claydol would probably be the better of the 2 cards, simply due to constant draw power. However, Porygon2 can be better if you find an easy and bench efficient way of getting supporters back into your deck, but Porygon2 also increases...