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  1. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    Gawd. Munna is too epic for Drowzee, thanks to Musharna. I don't think Musharna is purely gimmick though. I see potential in it...
  2. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    Maybe we'll get a Ground/Dragon, to balance Reshiram/Zekrom
  3. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    To the post above this one, nice combo. And Bug/Dragon, interesting, but maybe it will be Electric/Dragon, only because of the yellow. but what do I know? XD
  4. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    (lol) I actually liked Garchomp, better than Mence anyways. Dragonite is top though. I wonder what Ononokusu's typing is...
  5. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    I think they are, especially with that thing coming out of Kibago's mouth, then just look at Ononokusu. They look a lot alike. Hello Psuedo! I don'r teally know, good question.
  6. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    Hoenn Remakes. D: I wonder what the 3rd game of Isshu will be...
  7. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    I still don't know if Pokemon following you is optional and I really hope it is, without Leafeon near me, I feel lonely. *tear tear sob sob emo emo cut cut XD* But Belle is awesome! Cheren, too. He reminds me of Uruyu (Idk how to spell his name) from Bleach. I don't think Musharna is pure...
  8. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 PBR to adapt to 5th Gen

    Even if it was only to get G/S/C Pokemon into the 3rd gen, it was a huge success, and I'd love to see another one. I hope they'll bring back the Gym Leader challenges, and let Triple Battles in there too. I really think the shadow Pokemon games were the main foundation of Double Battles(where...
  9. ShayminSky

    Rumor: Pikachu Voice Actor Died

    It's a she, and I think she is still alive.
  10. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Black vs. White: Humans vs. Nature

    N DOES succeed, as you see in the trailers, and even in the magazine. Maybe not fully, but he does succeed. How you fix it though, is a good question. I'd like to know how he did that, and I'd especially like to see the graphics when that happens.
  11. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 What type of new pokeball do you wanna see in 5th Gen?

    Mystic Ball-works better on rare Pokemon(15% or higher), but regular effect on Legendaries.
  12. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 PBR to adapt to 5th Gen

    (Saving this thread, since it's almost dead) Now that we know more about Triple Battles, how do you think they will be in the new PBR?
  13. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 N is Zoroark?

    *Cough*MEWTWO*Cough* It seems like it could be true, but I HIGHLY doubt it. Besides, Zoroark is a GIRL.
  14. ShayminSky

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    O_O Must. Preorder. NAO! Thanks for the scans WPM and Viper.Fox/Yaminokame for the translations! These games are gonna be awesome! Does anyone know the URL of the Pokemon Daisuki Club?
  15. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Legendaries based on Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards?

    Well, I guess if it's not a fakemon, then it just HAS to be based off of some anime, manga, or game. Maybe GF wanted to make Pokemon less childish, ( I am NOT saying that Pokemon was bad before; I loved it) or just change it up a little. They do look somewhat similar, and no offense, but you...
  16. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Why Do People Dislike Generation 5?

    ^ Have you tried them? We have only seen about 11 SECONDS!!! of one, and we got some information about how more STRATEGY is involved. Don't competitive gamers LOVE strategy? It's funny how after only 11 seconds of just watching, you already don't like them. (Sorry if that was harsh, it was...
  17. ShayminSky

    A Way for Newbies to Read the Rules

    Okay thanks. that should at least help some.
  18. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Why Do People Dislike Generation 5?

    Maybe because they look like Digimon you have to REALLY LOOK FOR to find? I've played digimon, and I haven't even come across anything that even looks similar to the new Pokemon. People just want a reason to flame every new generation after the first. Does ANYONE remember back when they were...
  19. ShayminSky

    A Way for Newbies to Read the Rules

    Lol it's their warning then, but still, they should at least take a look at them, even if its only a minute or two.
  20. ShayminSky

    A Way for Newbies to Read the Rules

    Sorry, but with the news rush, there have been a lot of new members who have been making a lot of threads, most of which who have already been made or are covered in another thread. Is there a way to have them read the rules at registration? Not have it as a choice, but to actually redirect them...