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  1. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT PU Team: Top Of The Bottom

    Avalugg is PU indeed and he is very common. Stealth Rock is countered back at the opponent with Magic Coat. Torterra and Feroseed are common users. I'll also try CB Flareon now that you mention it. But Mightyena is doing better than Guts Flareon anyway.
  2. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT PU Team: Top Of The Bottom

    Hyper Voice will hit behind Sub so it's more reliable while accurassy doesn't count much in competitive battling. If that's the thing I prefer HP Ghost.
  3. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT PU Team: Top Of The Bottom

    Yeah, if Liligant was PU it would destroy everyone. She is really good at sweeping. Do you think Mightyena could replace Flareon? It's pretty good with Moxie. So you're saying HP Ghost over Power Gem / Water Pulse? Also, you could give PU / NU a try. It's were peoples favourite NFE / Weaker...
  4. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT PU Team: Top Of The Bottom

    The Team: Chimecho (M) @ Light Clay Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 208 Def / 48 SpD Calm Nature - Light Screen - Reflect - Magic Coat - Thunder Wave This set offers great defence against most attackers, and also Chimecho's great ability, levitate offers ground immunity meaning that...
  5. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT Float like a Butterfree, sting like a Beedrill

    Talonflame (M) @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Gale Wings Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Bulk Up - Flare Blitz - Brave Bird - U-turn Talonflame is too powerful! Gale Wings give priority to Brave Bird! Maybe the best flying type attack ever! Adamant nature to hit harder...
  6. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT AmoonGross / Metagatr

    My mistake...I thought meteor Mash's power was 100 and 90 accurassy.
  7. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT AmoonGross / Metagatr

    Why give Metagross Iron Head when Meteor Smash is available?
  8. Team Rocket Fan

    A little feedback, please?

    Garchomp's Iron Head is for sure something useless. Use Poison Jab to deal with Fairys instead and have a chance to poison. but I assume you need it for Ice types too. Still, if you run into any of thoe two types, the best would be to switch out. This way, you can give it Life Orb, Jolly/Adamant...
  9. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT A fun and competitive team!

    Thanx guys I really appreciate all the help!
  10. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT A fun and competitive team!

    The Team: Got Milk? Lead Miltank (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Thick Fat EVs: 252 HP / 32 Def / 224 SpD Calm Nature - Stealth Rock - Thunder Wave - Milk Drink - Seismic Toss I recently started to love...
  11. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT Venusaur Team Tune Up

    But will AJ be strong enough to KO Blaziken without a boost?
  12. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT Venusaur Team Tune Up

    I guess you're right about Crawdaunt, but I already know Return isn't as strong as Double Hit on Ambipom but i just said that Return is more accurate and such little added BP won't really make any difference. Also, Gyarados must be better than Crawdaunt here, indeed.
  13. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT Venusaur Team Tune Up

    My recommended and BEST set for Crwadaunt: Crawdaunt@Focus Sash Adaptability-Adamant -Dragon Dance -Crabbhammer -Knock Off -Aqua Jet This is the only way to make Crawdaunt work...But after a DD he can easily sweep almost every team!! I use him and he rules! Also, switch Double Hit with MAX...
  14. Team Rocket Fan

    Mega MANectric (M Manectric EX / Seismitoad EX / Kyurem)

    RE: Mega MANectric Why don't you try some rough seas?
  15. Team Rocket Fan

    Psy / Grass Deck (Mewtwo EX / Venusaur EX)

    Thanx a lot for the advice, although I'll stay with both Psy/Grass since it was my main purpose anyways...But I'll try the trainer cards you said.
  16. Team Rocket Fan

    Psy / Grass Deck (Mewtwo EX / Venusaur EX)

    Anybody please?
  17. Team Rocket Fan

    Psy / Grass Deck (Mewtwo EX / Venusaur EX)

    This is my bestly predicted deck yet. I tried to combine some of my favourite pokemon and really strong ones to create this. But I haven't tried it yet since I don't have access to them yet so I wanted to ask for some advice before I ask for the cards:D...Tell me what you think and how I could...
  18. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT You're so Tentacruel!

    Id say Toxic Spikes instead of Sludge Bomb on Tentacruel, Bullet Punch over Extreme Speed on Lucario and X-Scissor over U-Turn on Beedrill. :) Also I might inform that Fire Types hit super effectively Lucario, Beedrill and Shaymin...
  19. Team Rocket Fan

    ORAS Catching Tips for Deoxys in ORAS

    Don't use Rayquaza...I used my Dlecatty.