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  1. cole'a

    Bad day

    Just had a terrible moment, has the potential to ruin my day. Went to bakery for lunch, grabed a mince and cheese pie, some pancakes with cream / jam and a drink. Got back to work, sat down to enjoy my pie. EWWWW IT WAS CHICKEN PIE WITH CRAPPY JELLY FILLER AND HARDLY ANY CHICKEN
  2. cole'a

    Poormans LuxChomp (masters, Regionals possibly)

    Yeah, I think I will take garchomp out later tonight! It's been a fun edition. But I finally got all i need for an SP engine! So will take garchomp out and the e-gains e.t.c! have been thinking of adding in lanturn prime to counter the decks weakness (fighting) will try using spritomb again, but...
  3. cole'a

    Decks after the new format

    Already Traded for Donphan/Kingdra prime lol :D Kingphan looks like fun :p have already started putting it togther and started play testing!
  4. cole'a

    Poormans LuxChomp (masters, Regionals possibly)

    *tiny bump* Any help?
  5. cole'a

    Poormans LuxChomp (masters, Regionals possibly)

    Well, this is a deck that started off as a playtest from another thread. Someone wanting to make an electric idea and had an idea of using Luxray from Arceus with x1 Luxray from LA (level X counter) I played with that a little and loved it, trying something new with it not being able to...
  6. cole'a

    Bench Destructo (Blastoise/Mamoswine)

    Yeah, I personally would focus this deck around blastoise Wailmer and wailord can definitly come out! Would be more usefull having a 2-2 Floatzel GL X line As well as using the above idea for spiritomb. make it like 12 - 14 water energy max, take out all the fighting and rescuse and add...
  7. cole'a

    What should I play for _________?

    yeah its pretty much 100% complete Only thing I don't Have is SF Gastlys incase I get stuck with a gastly and no tomb at the start >_< and don't have any way to get any SF Gastlys between now and then! Oh well, will just have to hope that I don't get stuck due to that!
  8. cole'a

    Vilegar Decklist

    Yeah just take all the trainers out! Especially if you have a mirror match, with that many trainers in your deck you set yourself up for a poor poor mirror match! Also, if you do get trainer lock early (like gallape said vileplume is ALWAYS first setup option) then all thoes trainers just...
  9. cole'a

    Vilegar Decklist

    -2 Expert Belt(AR) -3 Rare Candy(UL) -2 Pokemon Communication(HGSS) -2 Judge(UL) -1 Junk Arm(TR) -1 Fisherman(HGSS) -1 Mr Mime -1 Warp Point Ok, being a trainer lock deck most of these are useless. I know there is a moment at start of game where trainer lock isnt always setup. But...
  10. cole'a

    What should I play for _________?

    Yeah I normally drop a second spiritomb when I see regice or magikarp hahaha! So classic! They regi move my trainer lock into more trainer lock! After lastnight thou, am considering my luxray/garchomp Deck. It ran pretty good lastnight at my local after alot of play testing
  11. cole'a

    What should I play for _________?

    Yeah! Can't deny how sexy vilegar is :p! Allright well I should go post my decklist and see what tweaks I can make to it to perfect it abit! I think I will save kingphan for after rotation when my SF gengar gets taken away!!! Am gonna miss rolling him
  12. cole'a

    What should I play for _________?

    Event: Regionals Division: Masters Metagame: Luxchomp (MAYBE) sablock, gyrados, magnerock, What I can play : Vilegar, Kingphan, Poormans Luxchomp (3x Luxray AR, 1x Luxray LA, 2x Garchomp C) I am trying to decide what to play, all the meta game decks are owned by 2 people. So there is...
  13. cole'a

    Deck For Regionals

    Right, so help me pokebeach! I am stuck at what deck I should run at my regionals this coming weekend. There are only 2 - 3 people who are going that will have SP decks. There will be a few themedeck players as there are some new aditions to our league. My main options are Vilegar...
  14. cole'a

    Body Art - The Permanent Type

    Love em! Want to get some sleeves from wrist all the way up to bicep! was considering using video game characters on them, cover my arms in my favourite characters (want to add a gengar in there aswell LOL! The picture from the lvl X card from arceus is pretty sweet) Have seen a few photos...
  15. cole'a

    Slowking from Call of Legends (#32) [3/17]

    1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost). - HP isn't the greatest for a stage1, and it's weakness while not being the most annoying (i.e. electric) when put with its low HP leaves it open to OHKO. Retreat isn't good, but this card should always be a benched tech...
  16. cole'a

    Torterra UL

    Sorry for the late reply! I would drop the plus power, It may be good for an attack or two, but then they are discarded and you could probably put some more usefull stuff in there! I would drop all 3 of them, and add in 3 bebe's search (definitly a must have in almost ANY deck) I would...
  17. cole'a

    Blastoise UL/Feraligatr Prime (Seniors, Any)

    Yeah I am hoping for RR on aswell :) I went and got some blue ultra pro sleeves lastnight and re-sleeved my blastgatr hahaha! Forgot how much I like this deck :) But yeah...If we end up loosing RR (floatzel) I would definitly use rescue energys aswell :)
  18. cole'a

    Luxchomp for states-help

    Ok, I know next to NOTHING about luxchomp (other than it dominates lol) But I notice you have ambipom G and dragonite FB. Aren't these both the same thing? from what I have read on these forums it seems both of these are GCX counters. So would it be stupid to suggest droping one of thoes?
  19. cole'a

    Blastoise UL/Feraligatr Prime (Seniors, Any)

    Yeah, I haven't used my blastgatr for awhile now. With the addition of B/W cards like you mentioned. And definitly a slower format after rotation I think I will be dusting off the old toise' for another season. Love blastoise <3 Have you thought about the Spiritomb start idea mentioned...
  20. cole'a

    GarGrowth (Any)

    Have started building this hahaha! all I need is smeagle, unknown Q and the premiere balls! Will let you know how testing goes and give you any extra help I can the landform shaymin is another good idea though, but like you said getting out another level X can be tricky