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  1. ~Magma King~

    #11: The soul

    Soul either can't exist or would serve no use. The brain contains all thought and emotion.
  2. ~Magma King~

    #10: What is art?

    Art is something with artistic qualities.
  3. ~Magma King~

    2012? What do you think? Is it true?

    It is true. The strange old man down the road told me.
  4. ~Magma King~

    Pokemon Legend or NOT?

    Using that philosophy based on it's abilities you could say Hippowdon is a legendary because it created the sand.
  5. ~Magma King~

    RuneScape - A once enjoyable game killed.

    PVP was reintroduced. And yes it has gone worse but it is slowly recovering. I don't play much anwyay but it was going downhill, yes.
  6. ~Magma King~

    Pokemon Legend or NOT?

    This implies the regi trio are not legendaries as they fit none of these. Rethink. ;o However I'll add Rotom truly is not a legendary. I'm quite sure that's been stated numerous times.
  7. ~Magma King~

    Writing Forte's Fan-fic Side Chapter is up.

    RE: Forte's Fan-fic Ch. 3 is up. The other guy in the prologue is an absolute idiot. Why would he counter with ice punch? And howcome that did equal damage? I also find that the battle scenes are very dull and boring and could use some description. Take more time on these chapters and it'll...
  8. ~Magma King~

    A NEW Create a Pokemon contest! Please join! Prizes available!

    Tier should not gain points. Tiers are only decided through testing and stuff, you can't just state its tier.
  9. ~Magma King~

    Sound Recorder Problems

    Mabye you've been on too much crack, speed etc. You need to cut down.
  10. ~Magma King~

    Writing Short Story Competition!

    Stupid me forgets about this completely. I'll just think of something for next time round. :P
  11. ~Magma King~

    Michael Jackson Has Died

    He had it coming, but it is a little sad. The surgery must've put a lot of strain on his heart.
  12. ~Magma King~

    Charcoal not on the BBQ- Nance's art

    Froslass is awesome. I love these, even though they're a little unclear(Mainly the first one, but it's not much of an issue).
  13. ~Magma King~

    Public or Private?

    I go to a public school and I wouldn't paticularly want to go to a private one.
  14. ~Magma King~

    Writing Pokemon Movie 12: Uncut

    I believe this is a joke. You could've executed it better. :P
  15. ~Magma King~

    TCG: HGSS: Starlight

    That should've been a Porygon. XD Anyway, nice set, but you chose to evolve a load of pokemon that are already amazingly powerful. That could go wrong easily.
  16. ~Magma King~

    Pokebeach's Archive of Our Most Epic Threads

    RE: Pokebeach's Official Archive of Our Most Epic Threads STOOPID. I think they've got the message.
  17. ~Magma King~

    Pokemon Correct pronounciation for pokemon names?

    I'd like to say that too. Rhyhorn is <3. Illumise is strange. I just say "Ill-oo-mice", becausen every other way seems silly.
  18. ~Magma King~

    Writing Short Story Competition!

    Nifty. I'll have to join this. I'll submit something at some point.
  19. ~Magma King~

    #4: Is intelligent design a viable argument for the existence of God?

    Ah, I think I've heard about this somewhere before. A theory was that a mutation in a chimp/apey thing had caused it's skull to close a lot later than normal, e.g 30. Chimps skulls generally close shut completely at around 3. However, shutting later would allow the brain to grow more, so it...