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  1. El Radar


    +1 once again a great trade, always a pleasure doing business with him, even threw in an awesome pair of cards
  2. El Radar

    Amazing Discoveries League - Tucson, AZ

    RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ Man, Cali states was a disaster ! But yes, AZ this Saturday.
  3. El Radar


    +1 awesome trader great communication saw to it taht cards were delivered
  4. El Radar

    Kill and Mill(Flygon/Rhyperior/KGL)

    Use Shaymin UL; its power allows you to move energy around on your pokemon in any way you like. Much better than Lucian's or Energy Switch (even though it can be sprayed).
  5. El Radar

    Please close

    RE: Konter's Revamped Trade Thread {H} : Mew : LW : Crystals : Stars {W} MTG cards Can you CML for the Crystal Charizard RH?
  6. El Radar

    Trade me Lanturn Prime/Other Things. Back after being gone forever so just look.

    RE: WANT:Shining Charizard/RH STUFF HAVE:Mew Prime x2/Uxie X/Good Stuff Is the Charizard from Legendary Set the one with the reverse holofoil print?
  7. El Radar

    ~~ Nigel

    RE: FlamingDriscoll09 +1 Amazing trader, sent in awesome throw-ins (which was greatly appreciated) would do business with him again anytime.
  8. El Radar

    [W]Zekrom FA, Shaymin, Pachi [H] Machamp, Donphan, RDL

    RE: toffeefi's PokeShack! W> Spiritomb AR [RH] Machamp SF?
  9. El Radar

    [W]Zekrom FA, Shaymin, Pachi [H] Machamp, Donphan, RDL

    RE: toffeefi's PokeShack! Your: Rescue Energy RH TM Absol Prime My: Spiritomb AR x3 (The Rainbow Energy RH is from Platinum)
  10. El Radar

    [W]Zekrom FA, Shaymin, Pachi [H] Machamp, Donphan, RDL

    RE: toffeefi's PokeShack! I have 3 regular Spiritomb AR.
  11. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!! H: PROFESSOR CARDS W: COL ENERGY @screamrawr I have 2 fighting and 2 psychic. They aren't in mint condition tho, but the defects aren't major. Give me an example of trading well lol @gengar is pwnage I just checked and the Time Aura one I have is RH :/...
  12. El Radar

    [W]Zekrom FA, Shaymin, Pachi [H] Machamp, Donphan, RDL

    RE: toffeefi's PokeShack! Hello! I am interested in: Rescue Energy RH TM Psychic/Electric Energy HP Absol Prime Staraptor FB X (And the Base Set Charizard’s, but I doubt I can get those off of your hands lol) I have a Rainbow Energy RH, Warp Point (LP), Spiritomb AR xX(LP and regular) and a...
  13. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!! H: PROFESSOR CARDS W: COL ENERGY @Screamrawr I'll check when I get home lol but I have two fighting I think, and maybe a grass and two psychic. But I have to double check. I'll let you know @Gengar_Is_Pwnage A scratch is fine with me, just need it for a...
  14. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!! H: PROFESSOR CARDS W: RANDOM STUFF @carlitosbob there might be a couple things I am interested in. Do you have any CoL energy, specifically the dark or psychic? @Gengar_Is_Pwnage How many you looking for? I am interested in the CoL psychic energy x1 and...
  15. El Radar

    Sabelock Counter

    Charizard has such a horrible matchup against Sabelock... it just isn't fair haha you do need to set up 3 different Pokemon just to get going, and with your hand and topdecks being locked it's just about impossible. Donphan actually has a good matchup against it, since you only need 3 cards to...
  16. El Radar

    Need these cards.Uxie X.Has BTS And Gyrados Sf Holos.

    Can you CML for 2 BTS and the Charizard from Dragon? Thanks!
  17. El Radar

    Reverse Holo Crystal Pokemon?

    The artwork on that Golem is niiiice. I did check T&T and the RH Charizard is slightly cheaper than the regular one, so it is a minor plus side.
  18. El Radar

    What do people want?

    Staples, mostly. Collector, BTS, random Primes, Uxies. Although, you would be surprised by what some people are looking for. It's always good to list everything you have (rare wise, anyway).
  19. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!! H: PROFESSOR CARDS W: RANDOM STUFF @carlitosbob I am interested in the RSL full. I also have a P!P hat that I can throw in, although that would involve a bit of higher shipping on my end. Lmk.
  20. El Radar

    Reverse Holo Crystal Pokemon?

    Man, if I had known when I was 12 that collecting Charizard's would be this difficult, I would've made Diglett my favorite lol Crystal Types are super rare as is, I'd imagine I'd have to buy a RH Crystal Charizard, since it is probably near impossible to find someone that'll trade it.