Search results

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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) Sure, just remember to use my form. And remember that you will need to provide the pokemon. LV may have a JPN Flower Paradise Shaymin obtained through the glitch on her JPN Pearl. But as it is from D/P it...
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    ~~HS//B&W Trade Center~~H: BLACK AND WHITE!! L@@K

    RE: HGSS Misc Trades I was skipped :( I'm also intrested in the Japanese Venusaur & all of the Shadowless cards~esp. the Pikachu's & Venusaur.
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    Demmy's Gotta Catch 'Em All! [H]: Lv. X's, Primes, Staples

    I've got all of the Pikachu's from Base (Yellow Cheeks only) to HGSS. As for Stars, only Vaporeon....which I'm only trading for both Jolty & Umbreon *'s.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) Special Announcement: I can now clone! If you would like your pokemon cloned, let us know. Our fee is simply a clone of the pokemon you ask us to clone for you.
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    Demmy's Gotta Catch 'Em All! [H]: Lv. X's, Primes, Staples

    Is there anything that cought your intrest from my list for the Glaceon Lv.X?
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    Lugia Legend Top Half Trade!

    Check My List (CML) for any Japanese Eeveelutions of yours (esp. Espeon & Umbreon Primes (if you have them)).
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    W: Gengar SF! H: Luxray, Flygon, Scizor Prime, Collector, DCE

    RE: H: Flygon X, Luxray X, Glacy X, Call And More W: Heart Gold Oh well, thank you anyways.
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    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    I can do it, Weegee.
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    Shadelon's Trading Shack (Wants Absol (SW), Ray * and Basic Dark energies!)

    Bump, even more new stuff's been added.
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    :;:)MY TRADE TREAD(:;:-:W; have complete unleashed set!!!come before its all gone!!!!

    RE: :;:)MY TRADE TREAD(:;:-:w:all eeveelutions will trade big!! I think that I was skipped :(
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    H:Call energy,many other stuff.W:HG/SS Video Game, will Trade ALOT for one of them!

    RE: Dodobrain56's Hall of Wonders: Come check it out. I REALLY NEED LUXRAY GL LV.X I do have matt black one's, but there have been opened & used. unless you can wait a few weeks so that I can get some for you.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Ensiger's Adoption Agency!

    Haha, generally I love kids though. Though certain teenagers get on my nerves. I'm ready whenever you are.
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    Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Lv Xs, Primes, [W] VileplumeZZ

    RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats ^That's ok....thank you for having a look anyways.
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    Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Lv Xs, Primes, [W] VileplumeZZ

    RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats Only singles...but I do have a Shiny Swablu which I could trade. But from what I've heard it's only worth AUD$10.00 at the most.
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    W: Gengar SF! H: Luxray, Flygon, Scizor Prime, Collector, DCE

    RE: H: Flygon X, Luxray X, Glacy X, Landmin X, And More W: Heart Gold CML for that Landmin Lv.X of yours plz.
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    Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Lv Xs, Primes, [W] VileplumeZZ

    RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats Just finished updating it. Also keep in mind that I live in keep the postage to you in mind (I can't send tomorrow as it's a public holiday/Good Friday & everything shuts down).
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    H:Call energy,many other stuff.W:HG/SS Video Game, will Trade ALOT for one of them!

    RE: Dodobrain56's Hall of Wonders What would a pack of Ultra Pro (shiny red) sleeves get me from your haves list? Keep in mind that I also have to pay for postage to where you live.
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    Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] Lv Xs, Primes, [W] VileplumeZZ

    RE: Kashmaster's Trading Thread [H] 2x Alph Lithograph, 1x Gardevoir lv x, SEALED playmats CML for that Binder. I am about to add in new stuff from what I got could you look in 30mins & get back to me plz?
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    ~~HS//B&W Trade Center~~H: BLACK AND WHITE!! L@@K

    RE: HGSS Misc Trades I've got: flaafy quilava engery switch trainer & Amphy Energy (Electric) Do you have any Eeveelutions?
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    Demmy's Gotta Catch 'Em All! [H]: Lv. X's, Primes, Staples

    My NM (Near Mint) 1st Ed. Machamp (Base) & 1x Holo Energy (Emerald, it also depends what I've got in stock) Your: Glaceon Lv.X