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Demmy's Gotta Catch 'Em All! [H]: Lv. X's, Primes, Staples

Glaceon Lv. X ($22)
Parichurisu [GE] x3 ($8)
2 DCE ($6)
total: ($36)

Uxie Lv. X ($23)
Call Energy x1 ($9)
Roseanne's [two] ($6)
total: ($38)

Does that look ok? If it doesn't adjust the values to your standard and we'll rework it.
EDIT: Took out rare candy on my end and Garchomp x on your end.
you will soon find the ebay prices don't do much here . . . for example some people still value Uxie X at more than 20$, when on ebay it frequently goes for 8$-15$.

From a collector's point of view, im trading you two cards that would be hard to find (back in the day, and even now) for a donphan which frequently comes in 2 per box (same as any prime). and if you did want to use a "sold" donphan price i can show you some completed listings that went for 7-8$

The trade is more than fair on my part and you can just say screw it because I can't add more. I just wanted to throw the whole Ebay thing at you now because lots of people will do it to you later. You'll see. Also, it'll come to bite you back in the butt.

Trade happily and evenly.
CML for

1 Blaziken 'FB' Lv.X from Supreme Victors
2 Donphan Prime from HeartGold SoulSilver
I am interested in
4 Double Colorless Energy from HeartGold SoulSilver

And I have a few Holo Energy from Emerald.

I live from Hong Kong.

If you want to trade for the Flygon Lv X your going to have to beat this deal:

Infernape 4 Lv X
Salamence Lv X
Blaziken FB Lv X
Ampharos Prime
Crm103top08: Would you be able to replace one of the Roseanne's with a rare candy for the trade? I need those more than the Roseanne's. :]

Soariyant: Alright, so I'll agree with you that Ebay isn't necessarily stable. So, on trollandtoad.com, these are the prices.

Nidoking [Base Set m/nm]- $1.69
Ancient Mew Movie Promo [Sealed]- $3.19

Donphan Prime [HGSS]- $10.99

I'm gonna have to say no to the offer, since it does seem uneven. And, thanks for the advice but I don't appreciate things being 'thrown at me'. I'm not a noob; I help run league an' tourney in both Chicago an' Rockford, an' helped run Illinois States with Jimmy Ballard. I may be new here, but I'm not new around the block. Thanks anyway.

PheonyxXx: I didn't really see anything I needed.. Do you have any *s from older sets or Pikachu/Pichus [from any EX series or black star promos]?

Thegame8228: I didn't skip you. :] What I posted was..
What base set cards do you have [rares] an' in what conditions? I'm only looking for unlimited base set cards [not 2nd or 1st edition] Also, what were you interested in from my haves?

Dragonitetim: I've never shipped out of country before, so I'd only do it for a larger trade.. From your list, the things that caught my eye were:

Flygon Lv. X
All of your English Stars(*)
an' mehhbe Jumpluff [HGSS]

Did you see anything else you wanted?

RareCandyAwesomeness: Ahh.. Nevermind about the Flygon Lv. X then.. I've got the one I need, I just wanted a better condition one. xD

Would you still wanna mehhbe work something out for the Double Colorless [RH] an' the Communications?
Interested in your 8 Poketurn.

I have
Nidoking Base Set
Rare Candy
Some Misc. Rares from Base Set in good condition

For any others CML
Shadelon: I like the..
Pikachu [#93 LM]
Mewtwo [#9 MD]

Do you have any Ex Stars(*) or Pikachu/Pichus from EX sets or older promos?

CyndaquilMaster: How many Candies do you have? An' what base rares do you have besides Nidoking [I have a trade pending with this]?

Other than that, jus' the two Roseanne's [not a big want though]. Lemme know :]
I have Clefairy, Gyarados, Beedrill, Raichu, Poliwrath, etc. I think I have all the Pokemon Rares besides Charizard, Blastoise, Venasaur, and Zapdos. I also have 2 Candies I can trade.
Glaceon Lv. X ($22)
Parichurisu [GE] x3 ($8)
4 DCE ($12)
total: ($42)

Uxie Lv. X ($23)
Call Energy x1 ($9)
Roseanne's ($3)
Rare Candy ($6)
total: ($41)

Look good?
Crm103top08: Yah, that looks good.. PM me your address an' I'll reply with mine :]

CyndaquilMaster: Lemme talk to my fiance about it. He's the one collecting Base Set an' I wanna see what he thinks. He's at work right now 'till about 10 or 11 so if I don't get back to you tonight, I will deff tomorrow when I get home from work. [I didn't want you to think I was ignoring/skipped you :D] Also, I know you said you think you have all the rares.. Does this include the trainers?
No, not trainers I think I have a Lass but it might be Base Set 2, I'll check.

I have 1 Lass, 1 Clefairy Doll (2 but one is in horrible condition), and a Super Energy Removal.
Demmy said:
Shadelon: I like the..
Pikachu [#93 LM]
Mewtwo [#9 MD]

Do you have any Ex Stars(*) or Pikachu/Pichus from EX sets or older promos?
I've got all of the Pikachu's from Base (Yellow Cheeks only) to HGSS.
As for Stars, only Vaporeon....which I'm only trading for both Jolty & Umbreon *'s.
I have:
Base set rares:
Computer search x2
Scoop Up
Super energy removal
Dragonair x2

Pikachu Promo #1
Pikachu Pokemon the first movie promo
Pikachu x2 (Halon Phantoms)

Would you trade a secret wonders Gardevoir for any of that? If not, could you check my list for anything else you might want?
i dont want to paste my whole list on here so i wanted you to cml for what you liked, then i was going to post what cards i liked of yours and let you make the offer
I have the following for trade:
x2 Registeel

x2 Kyogre

x1 Alakazam

x1 Alakazam

Shining Pokemon:
Shining Celebi

and I am interested in

8 Poké Turn from Platinum Base
4 Energy Gain from Platinum Base
3+ Power Spray from Platinum Base
6 Cyrus's Conspiracy from Platinum Base
4 Pokémon Collector from HeartGold SoulSilver
4 Double Colorless Energy from HeartGold SoulSilver

2 Donphan Prime from HeartGold SoulSilver

Offer please.
Have these from your want list:

[English cards only, please]

-Holographic Energies from Emerald Set
-Rare Candy (Need lots of these)
-Roseanne's Research (League or from Set... Doesn't matter)

Do you have any unlisted ex stars, neo shinings or aquapolis/skyridge crystal cards for trade? I know you were selling them on eBay a while back. Thanks!
I liked palkia g x
blaziken fb x
giratina x pack
and mesprit x

i have rare candys and rosanse rasearch

i will do this

2x rare candy
2x rosanse reasearch for


palkia x = 7$
blaziken fb x = 10
giratina x pack = 3$
and mesprit x =5$
and dalga g x