United States.
Alright so aside from the rules Pokebeach has about trading here are my personal rules:
1) I send the cards in a parcel-envelope that has a tracker on it. If you get it I will know about it. Scamming will not be tolerated.
2) Trade value is dollar value. Dollar value is based off of how popular a card is. I have a reference site that I use to help set a base amount.
3) Please be courteous as to abide by my rules as well as Pokebeach's.
4) All my cards are in excellent condition unless otherwise stated. Because of this I expect no less than the same from the condition of your cards. If the cards received are less than the condition stated I will send them back with negative feedback on your account. To help avoid this problem ask your post office to put a 'Do Not Bend' or 'Fragile' stamp on the envelope.
5) I will be sending cards in penny sleeves and top loaders. I expect something of the same from your end.
6) I will only send within the United States unless you talk to me privately beforehand. This is because of shipping, customs forms, etc.
7) Who ships first will be determined by number of references. However, if you have ANY negative references, you WILL ship first.
8) Don’t try an’ rip me off.
Pending Trades [more of a reminder for me xD]
[m: Rayquaza*---t: Nidoking, Ancient Mew, DCE, Uxie Lv. X]
[m: Glaceon Lv. X, 3Parichurisu, 4DCE---t: Uxie Lv. X, Call, Roseanne’s, Candy]
An’ now to the part people wanna read xD
Level X’s, Primes, etc
Diamond and Pearl Base
1 Empoleon Lv. X [Misprint – Has Poke-Body instead of Poke-Power]
2 Empoleon Lv. X [Tin Promos]
2 Infernape Lv. X [Tin Promos]
1 Torterra Lv. X [Tin Promo]
Mysterious Treasures
1 Lucario Lv. X
Great Encounters
2 Darkrai Lv. X [Tin Promos – one has an off-center picture base]
Majestic Dawn
1 Garchomp Lv. X [This has a weird imprint on the picture]
Legends Awakened
1 Mewtwo Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Mesprit Lv. X
1 Azelf Lv. X [This has heavy play wear on it]
2 Regigigas Lv. X
Platinum Base
1 Palkia ‘G’ Lv. X
1 Giratina Lv. X
1 Giratina Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Dialga ‘G’ Lv. X
2 Drapion Lv. X
Rising Rivals
1 Infernape ‘E4’ Lv. X
2 Alakazam ‘E4’ Lv. X
2 Mismagius Lv. X
1 Floatzel ‘GL’ Lv. X
Supreme Victors
1 Blaziken ‘FB’ Lv. X
1 Charizard ‘G’ Lv. X
1 Charizard ‘G’ Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Absol ‘G’ Lv. X
1 Rayquazza ‘C’ Lv. X
1 Rayquaza ‘C’ Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Tangrowth Lv. X
1 Salamence Lv. X
HeartGold SoulSilver
3 Blissey Prime
1 Typhlosion Prime
1 Typholosion Prime [Tin Promo]
2 Donphan Prime
3 Feraligatr Prime
1 Feraligatr Prime [Tin Promo]
2 Ampharos Prime
5 Meganium Prime
1 Meganium Prime [Tin Promo]
Regular Rares/Holos
1 Ampharos Pop7 [H]
Diamond and Pearl Base
1 Dusknoir #2 [H]
Mysterious Treasures
2 Gyarados #26 [2NH]
1 Ninetails #32 [NH]
Secret Wonders
2 Ampharos #1 [2H, 1NH]
1 Flygon #5 [H]
2 Gallade #6 [H]
4 Gardevoir #7 [3H, 1RH]
3 Electrode #26 [NH]
2 Weavile #40 [NH]
Great Encounters
2 Beedrill #13 [NH]
6 Claydol #15 [2NH, 4LP]
Majestic Dawn
2 Kabutops #6 [H]
Legends Awakened
2 Gliscor #5 [H]
4 Kingdra #7 [3H, 1RH]
3 Probopass #13 [H]
4 Regigigas #27 [NH]
1 Regirock #38 [RH]
1 Uxie #43 [NH]
1 Metagross #5 [H]
2 Torterra #11 [H]
2 Cherrim #14 [1RH, 1NH]
2 Dusknoir #17 [2NH]
1 Gyarados #19 [NH]
2 Machamp #20 [2NH]
3 Scizor #25 [1RH, 2NH]
1 Vespiquen #31 [RH]
Platinum Base
2 Ampharos #1 [H]
2 Blastoise #2 [2H]
2 Blaziken #3 [1H, 1RH]
6 Dialga ‘G’ #7 [2RH, 4LP]
3 Manectric #11 [2H, 1RH]
2 Ramparados #13 [RH]
1 Shaymin #14 [H]
4 Dugtrio #24 [1RH, 3NH]
Rising Rivals
1 Darkrai ‘G’ #3 [H]
4 Floatzel ‘GL’ #4 [4H]
3 Flygon #5 [1H, 1RH, 1NH]
6 Lucario ‘GL’ #8 [4H, 2RH]
4 Luxray ‘GL’ #9 [3H, 1RH]
5 Ramparados ‘GL’ #11 [3H, 2RH]
7 Roserade ‘GL’ #12 [5H, 2RH]
7 Beedrill #15 [3RH, 4NH]
6 Gastrodon West Sea #22 [NH]
7 Golem ‘E4’ #23 [2RH, 5NH]
4 Hippowdon #25 [1RH, 3NH]
9 Nidoking #29 [3RH, 6NH]
6 Nidoqueen #30 [2RH, 4NH]
11 Rhyperior ‘E4’ [1RH, 10NH]
4 Fan Rotom #RT1
4 Frost Rotom #RT2
1 Heat Rotom #RT3
3 Mow Rotom #RT4
4 Wash Rotom #RT5
5 Charon’s Choice #RT6
Supreme Victors
1 Absol ‘G’ #1 [RH]
1 Blaziken ‘FB’ #2 [H]
2 Garchomp #5 [H]
2 Magmortar #6 [H]
4 Rhyperior #10 [3H, 1RH]
1 Staraptor FB #11 [H]
4 Lucario ‘C’ #31 [RH]
7 Primeape #39 [2RH, 5NH]
2 Sandslash #42 [NH]
1 Relicanth #SH8
3 Charizard #1 [H]
2 Kabutops #4 [H]
1 Toxicroak #11 [H]
1 Aerodactyl #13 [NH]
3 Cherrim #15 [NH]
1 Gengar #16 [NH]
2 Golem #19 [NH]
4 Hariyama #20 [NH]
2 Rapidash #28 [NH]
2 Fighting Arceus #AR8 [H]
HeartGold SoulSilver
4 Hitmontop #5 [H]
3 Ninetails #7 [H]
3 Raichu #10 [H]
3 Slowking #12 [2H, 1RH]
4 Sandslash #29 [NH]
3 Sunflora #31 [2RH, 1NH]
7 Tyrogue #33 [2RH, 5NH]
1 Red Gyarados #123 [H]
1 Alph Lithograph #ONE
Notables [by type]
3 Chatot ‘G’ [Disrupting Spy]
4 Chatot [Mimic]
1 Unown G
4 Crobat ‘G’
3 Quagsire ‘GL’
3 Bronzong ‘G’ [Galactic Switch]
4 Expert Belt
2 Luxury Ball
3 Warp Point
4 Pokedex
4 Pokemon Rescue [1RH]
3 Night Maintenance [1RH]
4 Memory Berry [1RH]
3 Level Max [2RH]
6 Super Scoop Up
2 Energy Gain
2 SP Radar
2 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
2 Felicity’s Drawing
4 Team Galactic’s Wager [2RH]
4 Bebe’s Search [1H, 1RH]
3 Cynthia’s Feelings [1H]
4 Looker’s Investigation [1RH]
4 Professor Rowen [4H]
4 Pokemon Collector
Cool Energies
2 Rainbow Energy [RH]-HGSS
3 Psychic-HGSS
3 Grass-HGSS
4 Lightning-HGSS
4 Fighting-HGSS
4 Fire-HGSS
3 Dark-HGSS
3 Metal-HGSS
2 Fire [H]-PK
2 Fire [H]-HP
1 Water [H]-HP
1 Psychic [H]-HP
1 Grass [H]-HP
2 Multi Energy- HP/PK
Misc. Merchandise
60+ HGSS Prerelease Sleeves [used for one tourney at pre-release an’ that’s it]
60+ Arceus Prerelease Sleeves [used for one tourney at pre-release an’ that’s it]
1 Pokemon Silver Gameboy Game [no box, only working game]
1 Pokemon Ruby Gameboy Advance Game [no box, only working game]
1 HGSS Video Game Guide [I bought it an’ never used it xD]
1 HGSS Video Game Release Ho-Oh Figure [Sealed]
xXx Plastic Pokemon Coins
As of 4/4/10, I still have about 100 misc rares and notables to add. So, any cards that were NOT mentioned in this list I may still have. If you don't see what you're looking for please ask and I will see what I can do.
[English cards only, please]
-Luxray ‘GL’ Lv. X
-Flygon Lv. X
-Leafeon Lv. X
-Rare Candy
-Roseanne’s Research
-Double Colorless Energies
-Baltoys [Great Encounters only]
-Holographic Energies from Emerald Set
-Any Shining Stars(*)
-Base Set Rares [mostly the trainers]
-Jungle Rares [only holo ones]
-Pichu and Pikachu cards from Base Set thru EX series [or almost any promo]
Please note that the Stars(*), Base Set, Jungle and Pikachu/Pichu are collection wants, so I do not value them too highly.
Alright so aside from the rules Pokebeach has about trading here are my personal rules:
1) I send the cards in a parcel-envelope that has a tracker on it. If you get it I will know about it. Scamming will not be tolerated.
2) Trade value is dollar value. Dollar value is based off of how popular a card is. I have a reference site that I use to help set a base amount.
3) Please be courteous as to abide by my rules as well as Pokebeach's.
4) All my cards are in excellent condition unless otherwise stated. Because of this I expect no less than the same from the condition of your cards. If the cards received are less than the condition stated I will send them back with negative feedback on your account. To help avoid this problem ask your post office to put a 'Do Not Bend' or 'Fragile' stamp on the envelope.
5) I will be sending cards in penny sleeves and top loaders. I expect something of the same from your end.
6) I will only send within the United States unless you talk to me privately beforehand. This is because of shipping, customs forms, etc.
7) Who ships first will be determined by number of references. However, if you have ANY negative references, you WILL ship first.
8) Don’t try an’ rip me off.
Pending Trades [more of a reminder for me xD]
[m: Rayquaza*---t: Nidoking, Ancient Mew, DCE, Uxie Lv. X]
[m: Glaceon Lv. X, 3Parichurisu, 4DCE---t: Uxie Lv. X, Call, Roseanne’s, Candy]
An’ now to the part people wanna read xD
Level X’s, Primes, etc
Diamond and Pearl Base
1 Empoleon Lv. X [Misprint – Has Poke-Body instead of Poke-Power]
2 Empoleon Lv. X [Tin Promos]
2 Infernape Lv. X [Tin Promos]
1 Torterra Lv. X [Tin Promo]
Mysterious Treasures
1 Lucario Lv. X
Great Encounters
2 Darkrai Lv. X [Tin Promos – one has an off-center picture base]
Majestic Dawn
1 Garchomp Lv. X [This has a weird imprint on the picture]
Legends Awakened
1 Mewtwo Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Mesprit Lv. X
1 Azelf Lv. X [This has heavy play wear on it]
2 Regigigas Lv. X
Platinum Base
1 Palkia ‘G’ Lv. X
1 Giratina Lv. X
1 Giratina Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Dialga ‘G’ Lv. X
2 Drapion Lv. X
Rising Rivals
1 Infernape ‘E4’ Lv. X
2 Alakazam ‘E4’ Lv. X
2 Mismagius Lv. X
1 Floatzel ‘GL’ Lv. X
Supreme Victors
1 Blaziken ‘FB’ Lv. X
1 Charizard ‘G’ Lv. X
1 Charizard ‘G’ Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Absol ‘G’ Lv. X
1 Rayquazza ‘C’ Lv. X
1 Rayquaza ‘C’ Lv. X [Tin Promo]
1 Tangrowth Lv. X
1 Salamence Lv. X
HeartGold SoulSilver
3 Blissey Prime
1 Typhlosion Prime
1 Typholosion Prime [Tin Promo]
2 Donphan Prime
3 Feraligatr Prime
1 Feraligatr Prime [Tin Promo]
2 Ampharos Prime
5 Meganium Prime
1 Meganium Prime [Tin Promo]
Regular Rares/Holos
1 Ampharos Pop7 [H]
Diamond and Pearl Base
1 Dusknoir #2 [H]
Mysterious Treasures
2 Gyarados #26 [2NH]
1 Ninetails #32 [NH]
Secret Wonders
2 Ampharos #1 [2H, 1NH]
1 Flygon #5 [H]
2 Gallade #6 [H]
4 Gardevoir #7 [3H, 1RH]
3 Electrode #26 [NH]
2 Weavile #40 [NH]
Great Encounters
2 Beedrill #13 [NH]
6 Claydol #15 [2NH, 4LP]
Majestic Dawn
2 Kabutops #6 [H]
Legends Awakened
2 Gliscor #5 [H]
4 Kingdra #7 [3H, 1RH]
3 Probopass #13 [H]
4 Regigigas #27 [NH]
1 Regirock #38 [RH]
1 Uxie #43 [NH]
1 Metagross #5 [H]
2 Torterra #11 [H]
2 Cherrim #14 [1RH, 1NH]
2 Dusknoir #17 [2NH]
1 Gyarados #19 [NH]
2 Machamp #20 [2NH]
3 Scizor #25 [1RH, 2NH]
1 Vespiquen #31 [RH]
Platinum Base
2 Ampharos #1 [H]
2 Blastoise #2 [2H]
2 Blaziken #3 [1H, 1RH]
6 Dialga ‘G’ #7 [2RH, 4LP]
3 Manectric #11 [2H, 1RH]
2 Ramparados #13 [RH]
1 Shaymin #14 [H]
4 Dugtrio #24 [1RH, 3NH]
Rising Rivals
1 Darkrai ‘G’ #3 [H]
4 Floatzel ‘GL’ #4 [4H]
3 Flygon #5 [1H, 1RH, 1NH]
6 Lucario ‘GL’ #8 [4H, 2RH]
4 Luxray ‘GL’ #9 [3H, 1RH]
5 Ramparados ‘GL’ #11 [3H, 2RH]
7 Roserade ‘GL’ #12 [5H, 2RH]
7 Beedrill #15 [3RH, 4NH]
6 Gastrodon West Sea #22 [NH]
7 Golem ‘E4’ #23 [2RH, 5NH]
4 Hippowdon #25 [1RH, 3NH]
9 Nidoking #29 [3RH, 6NH]
6 Nidoqueen #30 [2RH, 4NH]
11 Rhyperior ‘E4’ [1RH, 10NH]
4 Fan Rotom #RT1
4 Frost Rotom #RT2
1 Heat Rotom #RT3
3 Mow Rotom #RT4
4 Wash Rotom #RT5
5 Charon’s Choice #RT6
Supreme Victors
1 Absol ‘G’ #1 [RH]
1 Blaziken ‘FB’ #2 [H]
2 Garchomp #5 [H]
2 Magmortar #6 [H]
4 Rhyperior #10 [3H, 1RH]
1 Staraptor FB #11 [H]
4 Lucario ‘C’ #31 [RH]
7 Primeape #39 [2RH, 5NH]
2 Sandslash #42 [NH]
1 Relicanth #SH8
3 Charizard #1 [H]
2 Kabutops #4 [H]
1 Toxicroak #11 [H]
1 Aerodactyl #13 [NH]
3 Cherrim #15 [NH]
1 Gengar #16 [NH]
2 Golem #19 [NH]
4 Hariyama #20 [NH]
2 Rapidash #28 [NH]
2 Fighting Arceus #AR8 [H]
HeartGold SoulSilver
4 Hitmontop #5 [H]
3 Ninetails #7 [H]
3 Raichu #10 [H]
3 Slowking #12 [2H, 1RH]
4 Sandslash #29 [NH]
3 Sunflora #31 [2RH, 1NH]
7 Tyrogue #33 [2RH, 5NH]
1 Red Gyarados #123 [H]
1 Alph Lithograph #ONE
Notables [by type]
3 Chatot ‘G’ [Disrupting Spy]
4 Chatot [Mimic]
1 Unown G
4 Crobat ‘G’
3 Quagsire ‘GL’
3 Bronzong ‘G’ [Galactic Switch]
4 Expert Belt
2 Luxury Ball
3 Warp Point
4 Pokedex
4 Pokemon Rescue [1RH]
3 Night Maintenance [1RH]
4 Memory Berry [1RH]
3 Level Max [2RH]
6 Super Scoop Up
2 Energy Gain
2 SP Radar
2 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
2 Felicity’s Drawing
4 Team Galactic’s Wager [2RH]
4 Bebe’s Search [1H, 1RH]
3 Cynthia’s Feelings [1H]
4 Looker’s Investigation [1RH]
4 Professor Rowen [4H]
4 Pokemon Collector
Cool Energies
2 Rainbow Energy [RH]-HGSS
3 Psychic-HGSS
3 Grass-HGSS
4 Lightning-HGSS
4 Fighting-HGSS
4 Fire-HGSS
3 Dark-HGSS
3 Metal-HGSS
2 Fire [H]-PK
2 Fire [H]-HP
1 Water [H]-HP
1 Psychic [H]-HP
1 Grass [H]-HP
2 Multi Energy- HP/PK
Misc. Merchandise
60+ HGSS Prerelease Sleeves [used for one tourney at pre-release an’ that’s it]
60+ Arceus Prerelease Sleeves [used for one tourney at pre-release an’ that’s it]
1 Pokemon Silver Gameboy Game [no box, only working game]
1 Pokemon Ruby Gameboy Advance Game [no box, only working game]
1 HGSS Video Game Guide [I bought it an’ never used it xD]
1 HGSS Video Game Release Ho-Oh Figure [Sealed]
xXx Plastic Pokemon Coins
As of 4/4/10, I still have about 100 misc rares and notables to add. So, any cards that were NOT mentioned in this list I may still have. If you don't see what you're looking for please ask and I will see what I can do.
[English cards only, please]
-Luxray ‘GL’ Lv. X
-Flygon Lv. X
-Leafeon Lv. X
-Rare Candy
-Roseanne’s Research
-Double Colorless Energies
-Baltoys [Great Encounters only]
-Holographic Energies from Emerald Set
-Any Shining Stars(*)
-Base Set Rares [mostly the trainers]
-Jungle Rares [only holo ones]
-Pichu and Pikachu cards from Base Set thru EX series [or almost any promo]
Please note that the Stars(*), Base Set, Jungle and Pikachu/Pichu are collection wants, so I do not value them too highly.