Search results

  1. SilverWolf

    BW/BW2 What sort of legendary trio do you think there will be?

    RE: What sort of legy trio do you think there will be? I wouldn't mind Wolves, Dolphins, or Sharks. :3
  2. SilverWolf

    Monster Hunter Tri

    I love this game!! I play as a girl though, so... heh heh.... PM me, we can all meet up and do a couple quests? I'm HR15, and I normally use longsword or Hammer. @squirtli: I like your avatar. Jhen Mohran? :D
  3. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ First post revamped. :)
  4. SilverWolf

    BW/BW2 Are You going to buy Black&White when out in Japan or wait till Spring2010?

    I think I'm gonna get both. That's what Google Translate is for! ^.^
  5. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ xD Alright. Take your time. :)
  6. SilverWolf

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

    I wanna see a Sableye, Zangoose, and Spinda evo. :)
  7. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Ohmigosh, I love you. I was looking for one of those :) It's a deal. Do you want the corresponding Orb to come with it?
  8. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Nice.
  9. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Oh, that's pretty cool. :) I doubt I'll ever use it though. I'm more fond of shiny chaining .
  10. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Ah. And how does RNG work, exactly?
  11. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Oh really? :) I've got a question. How do you get shinies from breeding? Is it like just a luck thing?
  12. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Thank you. :) I hope your happy with your Surfchu?
  13. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Oh nevermind, it worked the second time I tried. :) Going to wi-fi room now. EDIT: Sorry i left so randomly, I forgot to grab the surfchu. xD I'm coming back now.
  14. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Ok, I'll be right there. :) My FC is 0216-7225-8729. My name is Zorro on the game. EDIT: When I tried to register it, it said that your FC was incorrect.
  15. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.23.10~ Hm... Nah, it doesn't need a nickname. Thanks for the offer though :)
  16. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's new and improved player thread! @Redlatios: Alright, sounds good. :) Just tell me when a good time to make the trade is.
  17. SilverWolf

    Wi-Fi Trades SilverWolf's Trading Outpost! ~UPDATED 6.26.10~

    RE: SilverWolf's new and improved player thread! To everyone currently looking at my trade offers: Those are all on my Diamond version, which is being shipped back to my house in California (I accidentally left it at New York the last time I visited) So I'll take down the current "Haves" and...
  18. SilverWolf

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread To everyone saying that the "tornado statue/building" will collapse: It's a game... With giant anime creatures tearing apart time and space, while trainers catch smaller anime creatures to capture the big ones. Do you honestly think that the directors...
  19. SilverWolf

    Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

    RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW. Echo's back! :D We missed you!
  20. SilverWolf

    Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

    RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW. Oh. Well, it was worth a shot. I'm going to re-open my shiny shop! I realized how good I was at chaining :)