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  1. aipomguy

    (1) New 'HeartGold' and 'SoulSilver' Screenshots and Info [9/9]

    oh that changes everything then -_-' as long as Serebii get the info Seriously I hope Pokebeach Crashes or something, I can't stand WPM's new Attitude towards his News, since he's Stressing so much, I might post his News elsewhere and take full Credit
  2. aipomguy

    (1) New 'HeartGold' and 'SoulSilver' Screenshots and Info [9/9]

    I DID like him, then he went snotty because people were posting his Stories in other Forums I hope this place goes boom, with that Attitude, I don't want to see anymore updates if he's gonna be like this, yeah that's right, I want Pokebeach gone from the Internetm it's Poisen
  3. aipomguy

    (1) New 'HeartGold' and 'SoulSilver' Screenshots and Info [9/9]

    He'll post that if he can keep it to himself
  4. aipomguy

    (1) New 'HeartGold' and 'SoulSilver' Screenshots and Info [9/9]

    Oh ok now you're being nice kthxbai Serebii don't need/like you now so yeah...
  5. aipomguy

    (1) New 'HeartGold' and 'SoulSilver' Screenshots and Info [9/9]

    yeah WPM I'm on Serebii (Squrtle) and now because of your Attitude I've been put off your Site COMPLETELY so yeah, erm... Thanks (idk what for though) and bye P.S. At least you're bing mentioned dude... think of others and stop threataning us you Brute
  6. aipomguy

    (1) New 'HeartGold' and 'SoulSilver' Screenshots and Info [9/9]

    hehe WPM I'm on my way to Violet City :P WOW Lass's Overworld is different
  7. aipomguy

    (1) 'Arceus and the Jewel of Life' Movie Poster [9/8]

    wpm that Toepi will become the next mudkip also, how are you doin the HeartSoul cover before the release?
  8. aipomguy

    (1) 'Pokemon Movie Tropes' Quiz [8/25]

    I voted Uri Geller because Uri Geller is a man
  9. aipomguy

    (1) Life Lesson! [6/31]

    hmm... I have an idea to what could've happened to your Dad... you may read this and think that they don't exist but something similar happened to my bro all of a sudden, he became paralyzed, couldn't breath and couldn't even say his...
  10. aipomguy

    (1) Mamoswine GL from 'Rising Rivals' and Decision [5/4]

    I have 3 words for you BE. A. JUDGE
  11. aipomguy

    (1) Mamoswine GL from 'Rising Rivals' and Decision [5/4]

    I can't believe that some of you are ACTUALLY putting what you WANT, not need, but WANT before What WPM Wants himself, hasn't he done enough for you already? Think of WPM, not yourselfs for once
  12. aipomguy

    (1) Mamoswine GL from 'Rising Rivals' and Decision [5/4]

    Right, as far as i'm concerned, We're all mature people and have learned to wait for stuff. WPM is awesome, he's done a LOT for us in the past, he's taken time out of his schedule for us, look what he did when Pokemon Platinum was out last September, he stayed up all day and most of the night...
  13. aipomguy

    Who Likes Friends??

    im watching it right now lol
  14. aipomguy

    Who Likes Friends??

    Who Likes Friends?? I DO!!!!!! lol in fact i'm watching the last episode as i'm writing this lol it rocks!! discuss the show here!!!!!!
  15. aipomguy

    Pokemon pokemon names

    empoleon emporer+napoleon(boneaparte)=empoleon torterra tortoise+terra/terrain=torterra infernape infernal/inferno+ape=infernape piplup penguin+plup(the sound a penguin makes)
  16. aipomguy

    (2) New Arceus CoroCoro Image, Redshark Mac Release and Updates [2/10]

    i got Redshark once but it caused problems on the computer O.o but im guessin its improved :D
  17. aipomguy

    Writing Pokemon Battle quest Episode 1

    no! my spelling/grammer thing is -1? something's up lol
  18. aipomguy

    Writing Pokemon Battle quest Episode 1

    pokemon battle quest episode one welcome to the first installment of my pokemon battle quest fan-fic series. ill be doing several fan-fic episodes of pokemon battle quest, here is a list of the episodes ill be doing in series one. episode 1: The mountain of ho-oh! retrieve the shards! episode...