Search results

  1. V

    Shuckle is BOSS

    Two Pokemon that both get demolished by scizor won't be sufficient there. If you are going to make a team that needs TR to survive. Besides, you said this is VGC, which means 4 Pokemon. You're either setting up TR or you aren't. You wouldn't be playing latios and hydreigon if you are going to...
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    Shuckle is BOSS

    Looks like a fun team. Only a few suggestions: What if you made shuckle even more of a troll? If you gave it Contrary and Shell Smash... *shudders*. Each turn, you could lower your attack and speed by 2, and raise your defenses by 1. Shuckle would become even more of a wall, while getting slower...
  3. V

    Pokemon Soup

    Hey all, here with my first RMT here on the beach (anywhere, actually). I've only been in competitive battling for about a month, as I used to play TCG. However, after trying rain, sand, and another balanced team like this, I ended up here. I don't have any outstanding rankings on PO or the...
  4. V

    It Will Rain

    Looks great overall! In experience with Scizor, I can definitely agree that the HP bulk goes well, but I think we're all good in this department. Just two notes: Unless you intend to switch to Starmie, you're running Choice Band on both Scizor and Azumarill. I had the same problem and ended up...
  5. V

    Scarf dat Smeargle?

    Ok, so a few days ago I set out to *try* making a FEAR team suitable for doubles. Though I don't think it will end up well, I still need to ask this question: Should I give my smeargle a choice scarf? The goal of smeargle is to spore one of the opponent's Pokemon so that my FEAR can use its...
  6. V

    [VGC] Please help want to build politoed electric team

    Yeah I haven't been to one either but I've watched plenty of videos, read plenty of things. Basically it's the same season schedule as the TCG. SheNinja is absolutely right, and by "acceptable" it makes sure you don't break any clauses (see NuggetBridge). Right now, your team does not, but just...
  7. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Has anyone ever tried some troll strategies with abilities? I was looking at a few in particular and wanted to confirm/deny their validity: Cresselia swapping levitate onto heatran, I know this is valid Using Role Play Meloetta to copy your...
  8. V

    Help with a Sandstorm team?

    If you're still looking for pokemon, particularly support, I'd look at a hazard setter like Ferrothorn or Forretress. They both have about the same weaknesses/resistances, give or take fighting, water, and I'm not sure what else. I've used both and personally like the walling power of Ferrothorn...
  9. V

    [VGC] Please help want to build politoed electric team

    That team seems fine to me, with the exception of a couple of things. Metagross' ability is clear body. I wouldn't run the moves thunderbolt, flamethrower, or moonlight. Thunderbolt is better replaced by Thunder, which has higher base paralysis and power, and gets 100% accuracy in the rain...
  10. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Thanks a bunch!
  11. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread As usual, I'm not sure if this should go here, but I have a tiers question. Why is Gigalith NU? It seems like it has way too good base stats to be in NU, given a spot on a sand team. DW Gigalith would have 85/130/105 base defenses, and 180...
  12. V

    What level should I evolve my Scyther?

    Oooh thanks a million. I just realized that Bullet Punch and Pursuit (well, if they switch) are priority-based anyways, so speed won't matter. In that case, I'll probably evolve it at Lv. 1, as I'm only training it until 50. And I think I read somewhere that 248 HP > 252 HP because it's like 1...
  13. V

    What level should I evolve my Scyther?

    I will first apologize if I posted this in the wrong place. I haven't been here in months, and when I was on the beach I had a tendency to misplace threads. Anyways, 40 something Scythers later, I finally got the Scyther I wanted, and my plan for it is as follows: Scizor w/Choice Band...
  14. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Why can't I search for Latias or Latios on the GTS? EDIT: I can't see other pokemon such as landorus either. I think your searches are limited to your pokedex?
  15. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Sorry can I rephrase my first question? Does a pokemon have higher stats if it is lowered from 100 to 50 vs. 50 to 50? Thanks. (For example, I know Hydreigon and Volcarona would.) The calculator is exactly what I needed, though. :)
  16. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Is it necessary to get a pokemon to Lv. 100 for competitive battling, even it it's fully EV-trained before 50? (e.g. Ferroseed max-EV'd at 32, does it need to go to 100, or just 50?) P.S. That Ferroseed has: 94 Sp. Def, 13 Spd... a level 5...
  17. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread Thanks! I tried a couple rare candies for neutral levels, but the Lv. 4 purrloins are just too rare for me to solely train off of. (Like 1/8 so far... I just used BP to get some carbos :P)
  18. V

    Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

    RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread If I give my Lv. 5 Wash Rotom an Exp. Share and it doesn't battle, do both the battler and the Rotom get the pokemon's Ev's? Or does it split them? If so, how does it split.
  19. V

    (Somewhat) Returning Player

    Thanks a bunch! Glad to hear that I can play a deck I want that can do well, and isn't too expensive. I suppose I was going to try for a very local BR on the 20th, but that's just shooting for the moon considering I don't have any DXP/DEX cards right now. I guess I'll just wait until after the...
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    (Somewhat) Returning Player

    Okay, I haven't been gone that long. But basically when ND came out, I got a box, didn't get any Mewtwo, table flipped, etc. and basically left the TCG to sell it at a garage sale (and some cards on ebay). Long story short, I'm a little out of the meta. So I have some questions: 1. Is...