Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Fireblast said:
Well the max Ev's you can have is 510 but 2 are always going to be wasted so might as well put the other four into hp :/

I meant I'm not sure if vitamins will take the total from 504 to 510. I don't know if they can add a partial amount of their normal 10.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I am pretty sure they can because when i eved my typhlosion i put 252 into sp atk and 252 into speed and then gave him an hp up. I am now ev training my gyarados and just wiped all his evs in def, sp atk, sp def, and hp, i also lowered his atk evs to 100 (by only using one berry on it) and did the same to his speed. but when i went to put a protien on him it worked!? only one though but it wouldnt let me put a carbos on him even when i tried it without the protien, why is this!??

edit: i have now evd my gyarados, i had reduced isev's to 100 ev's in attack and 100 evs in speed, i eved both too 252 and even gave him an hp up and girl in blackthorn city still said he didnt have enough!?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Why can't I search for Latias or Latios on the GTS?
EDIT: I can't see other pokemon such as landorus either. I think your searches are limited to your pokedex?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Verbivore said:
Why can't I search for Latias or Latios on the GTS?
Probably because you haven't seen it. you need dex info for them to search.

Also, thats not a competitive question. Theres a "B/W questions" thread in the "5th Generation" Sub-forum.

Mudkip711 EDIT: Don't mini-mod! If you have a problem report the post.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

but when i went to put a protien on him it worked!? only one though but it wouldnt let me put a carbos on him even when i tried it without the protien, why is this!??
A vitamin will only work on a Pokemon if the corresponding stat has less than 100 EVs in the stat. By then your Gyarados or whatever had 252 EVs in Speed, so a Carbos wouldn't work if it had more than 100.

What I am guessing happened is you (erroneously) believed that your Pokemon's Attack EVs were above 100 before you started training. How do you know that, unless you counted every fight your Gyarados had been in?
If the 510 EVs were distributed about evenly on all six stats, each stat would have between 80 and 90 EVs. Using a berry on that would reduce by 10, not set to 100.

This is why it's best to start counting from scratch. That way you will always know how many EVs your Pokemon has at any given time. You know you are starting with 0 across the board that way. You don't know how much EVs you have if you just randomly use it in-game, unless you were meticulously counting.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Tier placing is decided by usage (it's called overused for a reason). Each month, Smogon looks at each battle played on its server and looks at every Pokemon used as a fraction over the number of battles it was used in. That number is changed into a percentage, and if that percentage is over a certain amount (I think it's like 3.45% or somewhere around there), then that Pokemon is tiered OU. I imagine lesser tiers have similar ranges.

Scrafty fell to UU not because it's bad, but because people simply don't use it enough.

Pretty much everything in UU can be used successfully in OU. Scrafty's no different. If it fills a niche on your team, who cares what tier it's in? Gastrodon is a good example of this. It shot from NU to OU once people realized how much it creamed rain teams.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I want to use Wi-Fi, but my security is WPA and it needs to be WEP. I need to switch it, but I don't know how to. Does anyone know how? Or would it be better to get a USB Connector? (if USB then where do I get it?)
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

If you're playing BW and have a DSi/3DS, you don't need to switch it. On a DSi, use Advanced Connections to set up your WPA connection. On a 3DS, just use its normal settings, i.e., not DS connections.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I think it only needs to be WEP if you're playing on a DS-phat or DS Lite. If you're using DSi and up, you can use whatever security settings.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Have Smeargle hold a Focus Sash. If it is at full HP when it gets hit, it will still live to Sketch it. If the move misses, Sketch is also successful I'm fairly certain.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Sleeping Snorlax said:
Is there anyway to teach smeargle a OHKO move?

  • Get in a double battle. Have Smeargle and a Pokemon with the OHKO move in the front of your party.
  • Make sure the Pokemon with the OHKO move goes first. If not, have Smeargle use Protect turn 1 and Sketch turn 2.
  • After the Pokemon with the OHKO move has attacked, have Smeargle use Sketch on the Pokemon with the OHKO move. Smearlge will now have that move!

Hopefully you got that lol. OHKO moves are banned in most competitive environments so it might be better to teach it more useful moves like Shell Smash, Baton Pass, Spore, Taunt, etc.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

ComfortEagle said:
  • Get in a double battle. Have Smeargle and a Pokemon with the OHKO move in the front of your party.
  • Make sure the Pokemon with the OHKO move goes first. If not, have Smeargle use Protect turn 1 and Sketch turn 2.
  • After the Pokemon with the OHKO move has attacked, have Smeargle use Sketch on the Pokemon with the OHKO move. Smearlge will now have that move!

Hopefully you got that lol. OHKO moves are banned in most competitive environments so it might be better to teach it more useful moves like Shell Smash, Baton Pass, Spore, Taunt, etc.

lol thank you. And he won't be competitive. I'm just trying something in game.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I have a DS Lite, I do have Wi-Fi, but my security is too high for my DSL to use it. Should I get a USB? (Where would I get one?) I really want to use Wi-Fi! :(
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Some routers support multiple formats for security. You can see if your router has a format that the DS Lite does support.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I do know Verizon sells USB modems rather cheaply, but I don't know if they use WEP security and Wi-Fi. You could check them out and look it up.

Nintendo might sell some itself for this very same reason, however; you could look there too. Again, I believe it's inexpensive, $20 at most.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I went onto the nintendo website, and it said that my security is not compatable with the DS. It said that my choices were to switch my security (but it will affect other devices using it a.k.a. four computers), or to get the USB (which is apparently not working right anymore).
My sister has a different type of DS (I.D.K. if it's a DSi or DS excel or something) so I'm going to try to connect with that.

-Thanks!!!! :D
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Just be aware that, if you're going to connect to Wi-Fi, try to use the same DS always. If you don't and you try to connect with a different one, you'll be given a new Friend Code and your Pal Pad gets erased too.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Just be aware that, if you're going to connect to Wi-Fi, try to use the same DS always. If you don't and you try to connect with a different one, you'll be given a new Friend Code and your Pal Pad gets erased too.

Thanks, I'll stick to one DS! (I had no idea that the friend code changes)
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