Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

HeatRotomFTW97 said:
Thank you for the clarification. What if the move is also available in HGSS? Could I then teach the move in BW2? I'll give you my specific example. I caught a Bronzong in a Generation V game, and I want to teach it Stealth Rock, which can be taught to Bronzong in both Platinum and HGSS. Is it, then, ok to teach the Bronzong Stealth Rock in BW2, since the move could be taught in a multitude of other games as well?

That'd be OK. I taught my Scizor Bug Bite in Black 2, I could use it at any time since it is also allowed in generation 4.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

What if the move is also available in HGSS? Could I then teach the move in BW2?
I believe the answer is yes, since you could get it beforehand. But you couldn't have, say, a Light Metal Bronzong with Stealth Rock as that would be a BW2 thing.
But if it already exists in HGSS, I don't think there should be a problem.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I know all the VGC Rules and stuff... but where are the tournaments held? (I live in the US) How do I find out where and when they are?
Another Question: I can't travel much, (I can't drive yet either), so how spread out are the tournaments? (weeks apart, and distance apart)
Please send me a link, or an example of this year's tournament places (in US)!
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Most of the tournaments you'll see posted here are simply tournaments online. VGC tournaments are the only ones that require traveling.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

VGC tournaments happen at Regionals time. There aren't other small-scale tournament like there is with TCG. The TCG and VGC Regionals are in the same place, but not the same time - the TCG portion is held on a Saturday, and the VGC is held on a Sunday.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Best way to find out. The Regionals locations are usually announced, and there's no word for sure on where they will be. I know the times are something like October, then January, then April for this 2012-2013 season.

The times will be announced for sure after Worlds iirc (which is the 2nd weekend in August), so we can sit tight until then.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

It really stinks that they don't have regionals at every location every time, that'd be expensive though for Play! to rent places. they could charge aqdmission, I wouldn't really mind a 5-10$ admission. Me and my friend were looking forward to playing in October but its too far to play a video game for a few hours.

Anyways, I have a question. If I had a Pokémon named similarly to another Pokémon (ex: Infernape named "Darmaniman") Would there be any issues?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Cooltrainer Alan said:
It really stinks that they don't have regionals at every location every time, that'd be expensive though for Play! to rent places. they could charge aqdmission, I wouldn't really mind a 5-10$ admission. Me and my friend were looking forward to playing in October but its too far to play a video game for a few hours.

Anyways, I have a question. If I had a Pokémon named similarly to another Pokémon (ex: Infernape named "Darmaniman") Would there be any issues?
That should be allowed, considering that it isn't really another pokemon's name.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Technically it would be allowed, but it would be frowned upon to try and deceive others with the name.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Albeit a silly question, I have always wondered...if there's a Xatu out on the field, and the opponent has an Espeon (both have Magic Bounce) and Xatu uses Toxic, what will happen?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Magic Bounce only reflects moves, not effects of abilities, so Xatu gets poisoned.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Ahh thanks, now I feel 15% less stoopid
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

All right, so I'm wondering if any of you peeps have a reasonable amount of experience with doubles team-building.

Okay, so my friend was at VGC Regionals this past April, and he used a team I lent to him; it consisted of Politoed, Volcarona, Magnezone, Porygon2, Cloyster, and I forgot the last one.
Before you ask...yes, it was a team that was literally thrown together at the last minute.

So, he wants to build a team that's somewhat similar to that, and utilizes, if possible, a Volcarona core...again, for doubles. He wants the team to be similar to the last one - I want it to be better.
For anyone who has experience with doubles and teams that utilize Volcarona, are there any tips or ideas you could give me?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Fighting types are great to handle Terrakion and other Rock-types, which Volcarona despises. They can also protect Volcarona from Rock Slide and Surf with Wide Guard (Conkeldurr and Hitmontop are good examples). Volcarona helps them in return by getting rid of Psychic types that threaten Volcarona's partners. Making a weather team with Ninetales could be useful to boost the power of Heat Wave, and with Sun in play, Volcarona sponges Water type moves easier. Those are a few simple options to get you started.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Questions for people who have been to VGC Tournaments:
About how long are you playing, if you win every game? (or how long you HAVE to stay there) And about how early is it to how late it is?
How long does it take to make a team, decide moves, and choose EVs?
What is the most important thing to worry about while battling?
What are some good stradegy examples?
Thanks!!!! :D!
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I don't know the answer to the first question because it depends on the event (the more people, the more rounds there are, which means more time you have to stay, unless you drop out of the tournament). Making a team is pretty simple, but if you go for perfect IVs and RNGing, then it takes significantly less time (but making a team using correct Natures and EV spreads is good too). During a tourney, the most important thing to worry about is not worrying about anything. Just relax and focus, and have a good time. Remember that competition is not only challenging, but fun too. Common VGC strategies include Weather Abuse, Trick Room, and "Goodstuffs" (which is basically a bunch of Pokemon that cover each other's weaknesses and work well together with no real strategy to deploy in every match).
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Alvee777 said:
Questions for people who have been to VGC Tournaments:
About how long are you playing, if you win every game? (or how long you HAVE to stay there) And about how early is it to how late it is?
How long does it take to make a team, decide moves, and choose EVs?
What is the most important thing to worry about while battling?
What are some good stradegy examples?
Thanks!!!! :D!
1) Each round is 15 minutes long. Between each round, the judges have to process the results of all the games that occurred, but it still may run relatively quickly. In NorCal Regionals, due to so many people signing up we didn't start until after 12pm, but there were 8 rounds and we were done by 6pm (including an hour lunch break).

2) Signups usually start pretty early in the morning, usually between 9 and 10am. It'll state on the event's page on when registration time will start and end.

3) Quite a bit of time, actually - on average it takes about a few weeks, from planning to training, start to finish. The first thing you want to do is write your ideal team out completely on paper, and make sure you get it right before actually going and training the Pokemon. I made a mistake once when writing a team out and it took me about a whole day to fix my mistake.

4) Basically just your Pokemon's weak points and how you can cover for them. A good team will be able to compensate for each other's weak points quite well. You'll be able to smooth this all out during the planning process.

5) What Yoshi said: Weather Wars, Trick Room, and Goodstuffs. Most of the top teams are Goodstuff teams, primarily revolving around Garchomp+Zapdos. (However, those teams may tech in Tyranitar for Garchomp's benefit, but it's not always seen. They may just exploit the opponent's Tyranitar if necessary.)

The Yoshi said:
Just relax and focus, and have a good time. Remember that competition is not only challenging, but fun too.
This man speaks the truth. I built my team to win, but I also built it to have fun, and I had plenty of it. The people at the tournaments are also pretty friendly as well.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

What tier do you guys think a newbie should start out in first?
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