Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Yeah, don't try a specially defensive Gardevoir. Its potential is held back by its Psychic-type and weak Def. You seem to be wanting a dual screen Gardevoir, so here you go.

Gardevoir @ Light Clay
Trait: Trace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Memento
- Taunt / Psychic

One quick thing to note: Gardevoir is as bad as they come when it comes to this job. In RU, Uxie does the job better. In UU, Xatu does the job better. In OU, Latios and Espeon do the job better. You're only going to get use of this in NU.

Don't try wish passing with Gardevoir btw. Its HP is pretty low to be healing anything, soyou might as well use something with larger HP like Blissey or Jirachi.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

There is a question I have in mind.

Which Pokemon can help out a Jigglypuff in the Competitive scene? I want to give Jigglypuff a go sometime.

Thanks if you can answer this.

From, PMysterious. ;)
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

To be frank, it has no use due to its not fully evolved status and the better options out there. Its stats, abilities, and movepool are also pretty bad, but this comes with its NFE status. Its brother Wigglytuff is available, although Wigglytuff is pretty bad as well.

Basically don't run Jigglypuff. This also technically answers your question.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I have only seen Jigglypuff being used once competitively - in VGC being comboed with Trick Room and Gravity. Gravity is something Jigglypuff gets and will ensure that stuff like Sing will pretty much always hit...and Trick Room is going to ensure Jigglypuff always goes first. (Don't forget the Eviolite, though.) Because of this you'll probably want to invest as much bulk as possible in Jigglypuff.

As for its Trick Room partner, Dusknoir is basically the universal good choice for setting up Trick Room and can offer support with its wide movepool and good Attack stat.

No, I'm not kidding; I did fight this team once in Spring Regionals in Round 2...and we both won our first round, so it was obviously working.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

wigglytuff is bulkier than eviolite jigglypuff fyi, and this is not adding the fact wigglytuff has leftovers.

DNA, why do all that work to hit spore when you can just run a spore user (Amoonguss???)

also cresselia has gravity + trick room + more bulk.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

ComfortEagle said:
wigglytuff is bulkier than eviolite jigglypuff fyi, and this is not adding the fact wigglytuff has leftovers.

DNA, why do all that work when you can just run a spore user (Amoonguss??)
I dunno, but the woman had a Jigglypuff and a Wigglytuff on her team, so...yeah.
If it were me I probably would have done Amoonguss, but if you want to run Jigglypuff competitively, there aren't many ways to go about it.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Alright, so I have a Dugtrio with a base 98 HP at Level 50. It is Adamant with 252Atk/Spe investment. His speed reaches 172. 8 EVs equal 1 stat. so should I remove 3 stat points from Spe into HP to survive seismic toss/night shade? The pro is it won't OHKO me (i'm sashed anyways, but If I wanted a non-sashed one...) but the con is that I will only speed tie with Jolly Garchomp (169 Max),but still pass max base 100's. What do you guys think?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

siesmic toss / night shade is a 2hko vs other level 50 mons.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

ComfortEagle said:
siesmic toss / night shade is a 2hko vs other level 50 mons.
Sometimes, but some like Latios are a 4hko since it reaches ~155 with 4HPEVs and 31 HP IVs. Usually, its a 3hko.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

If you need to add 24 EVs to hp and removing 24 from speed ties with jollychomp, I'd remove 16 from speed and 8 from atk so that you still outspeed it but don't cut your attack as much.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Hmm.. I'll give it a shot. gotta SR in Black 2 for the right berries first, though.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Does anyone know what pokemon were on Ray Rizzo's Teams? (For the 2010-12 Championships? And their moves?), I can't find it anywhere, and I'm curious on what teams won VGC.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread
This year.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I have a 3rd gen question about Charizard. I currently have one with 252 in Special Attack and Speed. It knows Flamethrower, Sunnyday, Wing Attack, and... Metal Claw... I wanted to teach it Solar Beam, but I realized Charizard can't learn it until 4th gen, so I really don't know what else to teach it. I want to get rid of Metal Claw (obviously) and Wing Attack if I could. Would modding Solar Beam on Charizard be a bad idea? Is that even possible (like with Gameshark)? What else could I teach it? It seems like all of the other moves I would like to teach Charizard such as Earthquake and Dragon Claw are physical. Sorry for this being 3rd generation.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Mora said:
I have a 3rd gen question about Charizard. I currently have one with 252 in Special Attack and Speed. It knows Flamethrower, Sunnyday, Wing Attack, and... Metal Claw... I wanted to teach it Solar Beam, but I realized Charizard can't learn it until 4th gen, so I really don't know what else to teach it. I want to get rid of Metal Claw (obviously) and Wing Attack if I could. Would modding Solar Beam on Charizard be a bad idea? Is that even possible (like with Gameshark)? What else could I teach it? It seems like all of the other moves I would like to teach Charizard such as Earthquake and Dragon Claw are physical. Sorry for this being 3rd generation.

Dragon Claw is Special in 3rd gen.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

If you want to eventually get it over to a BW cartridge don't use external devices to get it SolarBeam. Check what type its Hidden Power will be. Earthquake is still decent. Dragon Claw is actually special in 3rd generation I believe because in that generation the move type determined if it was physical or special.

/me bans Cooltrainer Alan for :ninja
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I thought the move's type determined that as well, but I have this really cool app that says otherwise. I guess I could find out and see if OHKO's the Onyx's on Victory Road :p (It's Level 50, by the way.)
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

You know, Bans like Soul Dew on Latios/as, and Sand Veil on Chomp just raises the question as to why there aren't other complex bans such as these. Why can't I use Blaziken without Speed Boost? Its the reason he is banned, right?

This also angers me a bit because it just seems like a gigantic loophole so people can still use Latios/Latias. Its just...stupid.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Soul Dew isn't banned on Latios or Latias. Soul Dew was declared uber, so the item itself is banned. With Soul Dew banned, Latios and Latias are perfectly fine in OU.

Sand Veil isn't banned on Garchomp. It's the ability that's banned. Not the combination. The best players decided that Sand Veil was broken in OU, which is why the ability got banned. Without Sand Veil, Garchomp was deemed healthy for OU, so it was allowed back.

Now you can't go around and say "Ban Speed Boost and free Blaziken" because Speed Boost isn't broken (look at Ninjask or Sharpedo). It's only broken on Blaziken, which is why Blaziken stays in Ubers and the ability remains OU.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Oh...well that clears things up for me nicely. I guess I should look into things more next time...
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