Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I'm not positive it would be legal for VGC this year. I know for sure BW2 moves are not legal.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

King Arceus said:
I'm not positive it would be legal for VGC this year. I know for sure BW2 moves are not legal.
How do you know that?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I need some help as far as breeding goes.
Alright, I want to get a hitmontop since I'm building this VGC team and I want to see how it works in it. What is the best way to get one? I've thought of 2 ways to do this.

Method #1:I hatch a Tyrogue with 31 Attack and 31 Defense IVs with a -Spe,+SpD nature then fight a Lv.50something Audino guaranteeing it evolves into Hitmontop and I have a usable one.

Method #2:I hatch and Adamant Tyrogue with 31 Atk IVs at least, EV train a little in Defense so they balance out then evolve it. I later use EV reducing berries to train the Hitmontop as I please.

So, what do you all think is the base way to do this?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Minus Speed, plus Special Defense? If Hitmontop is involved, you want a minus Special Attack nature.

As for the two methods...I'd recommend method 1, because it's less cumbersome, provided you know that you can hatch an x/31/31/x/x/x. If you can, go for method 1. If you can't, go for method 2.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

You should probably hatch one with 31 IVs in Def and SDef and then level it up by using Day Care Center or Rare Candy. If your Def is better than SDef or vice versa you should EV train it a bit.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
How do you know that?

I was one of the checkers at Nationals. One person's team it had said that it had some invalid moves.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

King Arceus said:
I was one of the checkers at Nationals. One person's team it had said that it had some invalid moves.

Did the guy get disqualified? Also, Do you know when the rules for VGC '13 will be announced?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Yes the person got DQ'd.

I do not know when the rules will be announced. I don't even know where Nationals will even be next year yet. I would suspect more information will be made available shortly after Worlds.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Is it necessary to get a pokemon to Lv. 100 for competitive battling, even it it's fully EV-trained before 50? (e.g. Ferroseed max-EV'd at 32, does it need to go to 100, or just 50?)
P.S. That Ferroseed has: 94 Sp. Def, 13 Spd... a level 5 frillish outran it XD

Also, is there any place where you can check a pokemon's IV's? If so, where.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Sorry can I rephrase my first question? Does a pokemon have higher stats if it is lowered from 100 to 50 vs. 50 to 50? Thanks. (For example, I know Hydreigon and Volcarona would.)
The calculator is exactly what I needed, though. :)
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

They'll have the stats they would have equivalent to what their stats would be if they were at level 50, all else constant (EVs, IVs, nature, moveset, etc.).
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Hi i just had a couple questions about ev training

So i have decided to train my team in heartgold, unfortunatly they are all at high levels.
My first pokemon that i am trying is my lvl 77 Typhlosion. I just wiped all his ev's using a ton of berries until each stat said "won't have any affect" I have decided to train him in Spc atk and speed, since that what his base stats said he was good in. so he now has 200 evs on him using 10 carbos and 10 calcium, i was wondering, if i know what stats i want to raise before i use the berries on my other pokemon, can i just erase the stats i don't want and then keep the ones i do want? ex: use berries to erase speed, atk, def, and hp, keep the spc atk and spc def where it is and just start training in those areas?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

i was wondering, if i know what stats i want to raise before i use the berries on my other pokemon, can i just erase the stats i don't want and then keep the ones i do want? ex: use berries to erase speed, atk, def, and hp, keep the spc atk and spc def where it is and just start training in those areas?
You can do that, yes, but if you do so, you might end with 255 EVs each in SpAtk and Speed. This isn't a wise investment really; you're losing 6 EVs (well, 4 really, due to divisibility issues) that you can dump into another stat, e.g. 6 HP 252 SpAtk 252 Spe instead of 0 HP 255 SpAtk 255 Spe. The difference is that the first option has 1 more HP than the might not seem like much, but it can mean the difference between victory or death. (I have had many incidents in the past where my Starmie has survived attacks with 1 HP remaining.)
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

What if the Sp.Atk and Sp. Def were both over 100, so i used a berry on each stat, that way they would both be at 100 and i would be able to then keep track and max them out to 252 each and then throw a Hp Up on to take care of the 4 remaining? would that work?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I don't understand. Do you know how much EVs are in each stat? If not, it might be best to start over with the berries and EV train again.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

What i am trying to do is find an easier way to not use as many berries. so what i do when i am taking off ev's is I first wipe off all the ev's from the stats i don't want, and save my game. then i go and wipe off the stat i Do want, but i DON'T save. (example) it takes me 11 berries to wipe off my Sp. Atk (the stat i do want) this tells me that i have over 100 evs in that stat because 10 berries = 100 evs, and the 11th berry could be any amount of evs (since if you have OVER 100 ev's in a certain stat, that first berry you use brings it back down to 100, so you can have 150 evs in a stat use a berry and it will bring it down to 100, and then every berry after that brings it down only by 10.) So what i am saying is I found out that it takes 11 berries to completely wipe my Sp atk by actually erasing it and then not saving just to see how many it would take. so instead of wasting 10 berries i will use 1 to bring me down to 100 evs in that stat and then ev train that stat to 252 from there.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Fireblast said:
What if the Sp.Atk and Sp. Def were both over 100, so i used a berry on each stat, that way they would both be at 100 and i would be able to then keep track and max them out to 252 each and then throw a Hp Up on to take care of the 4 remaining? would that work?

Yes, that should work, though I'm not sure if the HP Up will work with only 6 EVs to put in. That's very simple to resolve, though.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Well the max Ev's you can have is 510 but 2 are always going to be wasted so might as well put the other four into hp :/
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Fireblast said:
Well the max Ev's you can have is 510 but 2 are always going to be wasted so might as well put the other four into hp :/
Not always. For Pokemon weak to stealth rock, you'll want an odd number so you take less damage. Also, substitute dependent members work better with odd HP too.
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