RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread
I have Wi-Fi at my house, (is that what I need for Global Terminal), but how do I use it on my DS? Do I need a different connector? (<- if so, where could I get one and for how much?)
On the main screen of the game (before you hit Continue), there should be an option where you can configure your Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection settings. This will be unique to each DS; the info for it doesn't save on the game itself (it's just how you access it). On a 3DS, access this through the 3DS's System Settings option.
Have it search for an access point and it should connect you to your router. Follow the steps and you should be good to go. Sometimes it can be complicated, but all you really need know is your router's security key. Also, keep in mind that DS and DS Lite systems can only connect to routers that use WEP security. (DSi and newer are able to connect with WPA.)
Anyone have any advice on starting a VGC team? Like important info on what to expect from others, or most important things to work on? (should I worry about stradegy over type-matchups or is everything important?)
I know there have been topics like this in the past in this forum. You can do some hunting and see if you can find any. (I'll try to do some hunting as well and see what I can find; I'll make an edit into this post.)
Edit: I found some!
And yes, everything is important. You need to know what to expect and how best to respond to it. For example, when building my team I found it was horrendously weak to Hitmontop, one of the most common VGC Pokemon. (Other top-OU in VGC are Scizor, Zapdos, Garchomp, Tyranitar, Politoed, Amoonguss, and Chandelure...just to name a few.) So, to that end, I replaced one of my team-mates with a Metagross with Zen Headbutt, specifically for that purpose.
Keep in mind team-building isn't just "build it and you're done"; there are still tweaks to be made after that for certain matchups. You can scroll through the Rate My Team forum for some VGC teams.
Here are some points I'd like the links to cover:
How to build a team and how to find working strategies.
When EV training should take place, before or after the main story?
Tournament information
The difference between VGC and VG
Sites that constantly update info on competitive play.
I can't answer all of that but I can answer some:
I think PB has done a few articles on building teams and considering strategies but I am not totally sure. I know Smogon's done quite a few so you could look there.
You can do EV training before you complete the main story, but it's usually a bit of a hassle to do so due to limited resources and the fact that you must train against specific species. I'd wait until after you finish.
Tourney info? I think. VGC tournaments only happen at Regionals, which are in mid-November and mid-April.
The difference between VGC and VG is that VGC is an actual tournament metagame - bring 6, send 4, flat LV50 double battle.
Sites that constantly update? Smogon's the big one. It focuses more on standard OU (6v6 LV100 single battle) since that's what most of the playerbase uses, but I believe it's got some VG info as well...